Education at OHSU

Faculty Resources

Grade Submission Deadlines

All grades are due by 5 p.m. on the deadline date. If you have an emergency or unexpected event that will prevent you from submitting grades on time, please contact the Office of the Registrar ( Please note that all student work must be completed by the last day of classes—to give a student additional time to finish, you must assign a grade of Incomplete (I).

School Deadline
School of Nursing 3/24/2025
School of Public Health 3/28/2025
School of Dentistry, School of Medicine 3/28/2025

School Deadline
School of Nursing 6/16/2025
School of Public Health 6/20/2025
School of Dentistry, School of Medicine 6/27/2025

School Deadline
Summer A 8/15/2025
School of Nursing 9/15/2025
School of Public Health 9/12/2025
School of Medicine, School of Dentistry 9/26/2025
Summer B 9/26/2025

School Deadline
School of Nursing 12/15/2025
School of Public Health 12/19/2025
School of Dentistry, School of Medicine 12/26/2025

Grading FAQ

Call the ITG Service Desk at 503-494-2222. They can reset it for you.

If grades haven't yet rolled, you can log back into Faculty Self-Service and correct the grade.

Grades are "rolled" into student history (i.e., posted to the student record) by the Office of the Registrar. We roll grades the day after the grade due date so that faculty can make changes and corrections up until them. Faculty do not need to take any action to roll grades.

The grade book in Sakai is for your use only. To be officially recorded, grades must be entered in Faculty Self-Service.

If you are faculty for a class that is team-taught, make sure you have agreed who will be submitting grades. All faculty listed on a class can submit grades in Faculty Self-Service, but only the instructor marked as “primary” will get email notifications and reminders. (The “primary” instructor is designated by your program staff when the schedule of classes is submitted to the Office of the Registrar.) If you receive grading reminders, you are responsible for forwarding the email to the faculty member who will submit grades.

Do not submit a grade. Contact the Registrar at

Only registered students should be attending your class. If it's early in the term, ask the student to register for the class. If it's after the first week of classes, reach out to the Registrar and Program for assistance.

Grade definitions and more details can be found in OHSU's University Grading policy.

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