OHSU innovators

Graphic of lightbulb inside a head. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Tell us about a new idea or technology and learn how OHSU could help protect the intellectual property. 

Startup support

Graphic of seedling. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Interested in forming a new company around your idea? Learn about how OHSU can help with startup company formation.  


Graphic of two hands shaking. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Learn more about existing OHSU partnerships and opportunities to work with OHSU community members.

Licensing opportunities

Green icon of lightbulb with circular arrows. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Visit the OHSU Technology Portal to search for existing licensing opportunities and review technology summaries.


Red icons of a clipboard with a path. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Learn more about academic and industry agreements including material transfer agreements (MTAs) and more.

Entrepreneurial education

Green icon of thought-bubble over three people. Image courtesy of Getty Images

Learn more about OHSU curriculum and programs offered to provide entrepreneurial training to OHSU members.


The 2024 OHSU Innovation Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 OHSU Innovation Awardees Alex Bartlett, Ph.D., Robert Eil, M.D., Michael Riscoe, Ph.D., Joaquin Cigarroa, M.D., Matthias Merkel, M.D., Ph.D., and Joe Ness, M.H.A., RPh.  These awards recognize innovative scientists in the OHSU community striving to turn scientific ideas into healthcare solutions to improve patient lives.

Read more about the awardees and their innovative science in the 2024 OHSU Innovation Awards announcement. 

Learn more about OHSU Innovates

OHSU Innovates is proud to support researchers and clinicians at OHSU who are striving to turn scientific ideas into real world solutions.  

Hear from a few of these OHSU members and learn what motivates them and how OHSU fosters innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship.

Subscribe to the OHSU Innovates newsletter for the latest news, programs and events. 


OHSU Innovators in the News

Tom Scanlan, Ph.D., in the laboratory

Autobahn advances therapeutics for psychiatric disorders

OHSU startup company Autobahn Therapeutics announced completion of their series C raise, an oversubscribed $100 million to advance their lead drug target ABX-002.  The therapeutic will now head to Phase II clinical trials for major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.  The company spun out of research from the laboratory of Tom Scanlan, Ph.D. Read more in the OHSU News story

Featured Event

Biotech Summit - Advancing Bioscience through innovation. Innovation showcase + Bio on the Vine. Oct. 1, 2024. OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building, Portland, OR

Biotech Summit and Innovation Showcase

Join the Oregon Bioscience Association for the Biotech Summit and Innovation Showcase. This event brings together industry executives, scientists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to celebrate our region’s thriving bioscience sector and identify ways our public and private institutions can collaborate to accelerate future innovation and growth. The day will include informational panels, research and company pitches at the Innovation Showcase and the Bio on the Vine winetasting reception.

WHEN:     Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024
WHERE:   OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building, 2720 S Moody Ave., Portland

Learn more and purchase tickets on the Oregon Bio Association website.

Featured funding opportunity

Oregon clinical and translational research institute - Biomedical Innovation Program.  Letters of intent for the Device, Diagnostic and Software track due Sept. 18, 2024.

Biomedical Innovation Program (BIP)

The BIP now accepting applications for medical device, software and diagnostic technologies. The Biomedical Innovation Program, or BIP, supports the development and commercialization of novel and innovative technologies which aim to improve healthcare delivery. BIP grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, with budgets not exceeding $40,000. Additionally, each awardee will be assigned a project manager and a mentor to advise and help accelerate their project towards commercialization.

Letters of intent are due Wednesday, Sept. 18. Find more details about how to apply in the Request for Applications.   


Innovate Collaborate Oregon

Oregon landscape at sunset

OHSU Innovates is a proud partner of Innovate Collaborate Oregon (ICOregon), a collaborative network of Oregon institutions, which aims to further support and encourage the growth of innovation and entrepreneurship across the state. By bringing together resources across multiple institutions ICOregon aims to promote innovative discoveries, establish successful collaborations, form new companies, and increase economic development in Oregon.


Support OHSU Innovates

Become a sponsor

Learn more about how your organization can support innovation and entrepreneurship at OHSU and across the region.

Support innovation at OHSU

Help OHSU drive regional economic impact through entrepreneurship.

Learn more about the IDEA fund

Platinum Sponsor

Logo of GE HealthCare

Gold Sponsor

Logo of Lee & Hayes

Silver Sponsors

Logo of Schwabe
Logo of Sterne Kessler

Bronze Sponsors

Logo of sponsor of OHSU Innovates
Logo of Klarquist
Stoel Rives Logo