Research and Publishing

The OHSU Library provides services to address OHSU community members’ needs related to publishing and research sharing, data management, and the demonstration and analysis of publication activity. Our goal is to facilitate the reproducibility, accessibility, and impact of digital scientific materials.

Publishing and Sharing Your Research:   Librarians are available to consult with authors to identify journals and publishing strategies to address specific scholarly communication goals.

Data:  The OHSU Library provides services and expertise to help students, researchers, and faculty organize, describe, store, and share the data you produce at any point in the research cycle.

Bibliometric Tools and Reporting:  Our team has expertise in tools and data sources for tracking publication activity and impact.  We provide consultation and reporting that enables researchers, clinicians, and groups to track and demonstrate the impact of their published works.

Public Access & Data Sharing Compliance:  The OHSU Library can help you understand and meet funder and journal open access and data sharing requirements.  We provide workshops and individualized consultations on how to manage funded projects to meet public access requirements, address non-compliant publications, and navigate funder and journal data sharing policies.

Copyright:  Teaching, learning, research, scholarship involve the creation of and use copyrighted materials.  The OHSU Library can help you evaluate how to share your work in ways that address your needs while optimizing access to and the reuse of your research and scholarship by others.  Library staff can also help you understand how to use the materials of others in ways that reflect copyright law and OHSU policies.