Education at OHSU

Training Future Faculty: Program Offerings

TFF Fall Mini Conference is held virtually in November. The conference is open to all graduate students and postdocs at OHSU. Sessions are not concurrent to allow participants to attend every workshop.

2022 Mini Conference Sessions

Bringing Equity and Inclusion to your Teaching   
What do diversity, equity, and inclusion look like in higher education? What is Universal Design, and how do we apply its principles to online, hybrid, and classroom learning environments? 

Communicating with Your Students
Whether a course is in person or fully online, communication between instructors and students is vital to student success in a course. In this session, participants will learn about common modes of student communication, different strategies for communicating important information and values, and the usefulness of creating a communication plan for the course.  

Feedback Loops: Soliciting Student Feedback   
Instructors need input from students about how the class is going. This session focuses on best practices in gathering and giving student feedback as a vital tool to effective teaching. 

Syllabus Workshop
A syllabus is the first introduction students receive to you as an instructor and helps set the tone for your course. In this session, participants will learn how a syllabus impacts student motivation, student achievement, and perceptions of course difficulty and explore different ways to create an engaging syllabus.   

Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning is an asynchronous course taught by a team of educators from the Teaching and Learning Center. Its five modules are fashioned after the QM rubric for quality course design and are enhanced with teaching strategies informed by Community of Inquiry and Trauma-Informed Teaching.

Professional Development Group meets monthly January through May and is limited to the TFF cohort. Topics include Preparing to Teach, Introduction to Educational Theories, Active Learning, Classroom Management, Considering Cognitive Load, Inclusive and Accessible Teaching Part II, Crafting Teaching Philosophies and DEI Statements, Creating a Teaching Portfolio.

Teaching Observation and Feedback is an important component of the TFF program. Participants are observed teaching twice and given feedback on their teaching. If participants do not have a teaching opportunity at OHSU, the TFF Committee works with them to find opportunities at other institutions

Microteaching sessions are short, 15-20 minute teaching sessions with active learning components incorporated into the lesson plan. All participants are also asked to design and teach a microteaching session in the spring. These sessions are opportunities to experiment with new active learning approaches and receive peer and mentor feedback.