Education at OHSU

OHSU Student-Led Outreach

OHSU helps students develop talents by empowering them to lead outreach activities that enrich our communities. For some activities, students make a proposal to the Student-Led Outreach Activities and Initiatives team, and then implement the plan if it’s approved.  

Which student-led activities require this process?

Student-Led Outreach Activities and Initiatives involve students representing themselves as OHSU members to people outside of OHSU. Many one-day events, such as career fairs, do not require review or approval by the Student-Led Outreach Activity and Initiatives team. 

However, if students propose non-curricular community engagement activities led by students that commit OHSU resources, people and time, this process is usually required. These activities usually: 

  • Take place over an extended period of time (at least one term) 
  • Include multiple OHSU students and contact with learners 
  • Involve ongoing agreements with community partners or collaborators 
  • Require financial resources, elaborate processes, long-term relationships and complex decision-making.

If your idea fits the criteria, work with a faculty member or program director to explore your plan further. Then, submit a preliminary inquiry to this email box. We will contact you to discuss your plan and provide instructions about the review process. If your plan ultimately requires a full proposal and review, the Student Led Outreach team will meet as promptly as possible to review and provide you with feedback within five business days of their decision.

Student-led activity program goals

  • Affirm OHSU’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion and an anti-racist, safe, and belonging learning community.  
  • Eliminate duplicate Student-Led Outreach Activities and Initiatives. 
  • Support existing institutional education outreach initiatives, and align new proposals with existing initiatives (as appropriate). 
  • Ensure that appropriate documentation, contracts and partnerships are secured for the implementation of new student-led activities. 
  • Promote the effective and responsible use of OHSU resources. 
  • Ensure that co-curricular activities remain under the discretion of the academic program. 

Read the full Student-Led Outreach Activities and Initiatives policy