Education at OHSU

Confidentiality at SHW

Student Health and Wellness is committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of student health information.

We take your confidentiality very seriously and welcome any questions about specifics.

All information disclosed within primary care and behavioral health appointments is confidential and may NOT be revealed to anyone outside Student Health without your written permission, except as allowed by law.

Student Health functions as an independent health clinic distinct from your academic and/or research program. All electronic medical records are kept behind a special firewall (similar to psychiatric records) which prevents all non-Student Health healthcare providers at OHSU from viewing any Student Health clinic notes.

All Student Health providers are prohibited from ever grading or evaluating our patients in any of their educational or training settings. While we might meet with or speak to student or postdoctoral groups in an academic setting, any form of evaluation is strictly prohibited.

For more detailed information, please review our Confidentiality Statement and Consent to Treatment form.  If you have any questions, please contact us at 503-494-8665, Option 1.

SHW Confidentiality Statement

SHW Consent to Treatment form

SHW Informed Consent for Tele Psychology