Education at OHSU

Symposium on Educational Excellence - Call for Proposals

Thank you for interest in presenting at the 8th Annual Symposium on Educational Excellence! Our symposium theme is: Advancing Educational Scholarship and Skills in Health Sciences.

This page contains some general information about submitting a proposal, as well as the specific questions you will be asked on the proposal submission form.

SEE will be held on Friday, May 16, 2025. Our hope is to have the majority of events in person, with virtual participation via streaming.

The symposium CFP  includes proposal submission form information. Those interested in submitting can review the rubric  for evaluating submissions.

Event Objectives

  • Provide a forum for sharing curriculum and teaching innovations.
  • Highlight research related to educating health professionals and scientists, including student affairs.  
  • Explore new approaches in educating health professionals and scientists.  
  • Build a network of faculty and students interested in promoting educational scholarship. 

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025: SUBMISSION DEADLINE (extended from initial deadline)
  • Friday, Feb. 21, 2025: You will be notified of the committee's decision regarding your proposal
  • Friday, April 25, 2025, Poster materials are due. Additional details regarding where to upload the materials will be provided at a later date.
  • Friday, May 2, 2025: Session presentation materials are due. Additional details regarding where to upload the materials will be provided at a later date.
  • Friday, May 16, 2025: Symposium on Educational Excellence (all day)

Types of Submissions

We are accepting proposals for:

  1. Interactive Workshop: Interactive Workshops are 45-minute learning opportunities that can build the skills or knowledge for participants. Abstracts should describe what skills will be taught and what teaching methodologies and exercises will be used. These are not didactic lectures; rather they are workshops that should be designed to impart skills or explore applied topic areas. At least one of your workshop objectives should be about what the attendees will be able to do as a result of attending.
  2. Poster: You will create a traditional or "better" poster to display at the symposium. The live poster session will be in the afternoon of the event day. Posters will be made available electronically ahead of time. Posters are due May 2, 2024 to provide time for judging and printing. If you are in the Education Scholars Program, choose this option.
  3. Snap Talk: You will prepare a 15-minute presentation to share your research findings or educational innovation. The research findings or innovation can be in its early days, or it can be something you have been working on for a while. Objectives should reflect what knowledge participants will gain from the presentation.
  4. Table: You will prepare a table to represent an education-related group on campus. You can have materials to share or objects to display; you can be recruiting new members or simply getting the word out. Whatever your purpose for tabling, someone should be present to talk to SEE attendees and answer questions.

Please note: the committee does its best to accommodate preferences but may select a different format to fit program needs.

The submission form will be available through January 15, 2025.