School of Nursing

Education Abroad

Mexico (Ashland Campus)

Group photo of students in Mexico

As part of a sister city exchange with Guanajuato University (UGTO), Ashland Campus students can apply to take a majority of their clinical placement hours in Population Based Care spring term in Guanajuato, Mexico. Students will subsequently host UGTO students during their OHSU SON experience on the Ashland Campus.
View the Ashland Guanajuato Nursing Student Exchange Facebook page

News coverage about the most recent visit:

Student Projects Abroad

For more information

If you would like to learn more about our education abroad opportunities, please contact

Bangkok, Thailand

This is a partnership that is in the process of being re-established and may provide international opportunities in the future.

Visiting Scholars

Group photo of visiting scholars

Visiting Scholars is a program that has allowed faculty who wish to visit the OHSU School of Nursing and/or study with the School of Nursing faculty to arrange a visit based on a time-based fee structure. The length of stay may be from one (1) day to three (3) months and is negotiated between OHSU and the visitors based on the purpose of the visit. Faculty who wish to visit must have goals and objectives for the visit. A visit will be arranged if the School of Nursing can meet those goals and objectives. The application packets and fee structure guidelines are being revised and will be posted here when approved. 

All visiting scholar requests will be assessed for feasibility through the Office of Student Affairs & Diversity. The Senior Associate Dean and staff will manage the coordination of scholars and assume responsibility for evaluating the request. The availability of School of Nursing resources needed to address the goals of potential visiting scholar candidates, including faculty sponsors, will be central to the process. The Office will coordinate details related to approved visits to ensure visiting scholar experiences are fulfilling and meet the expectations of all those involved. 

For more information, please contact Claire McKinley Yoder at 503-494-1137 or