Oregon Office of Rural Health


ORH Events

Annual Oregon Rural Health Conference

The annual Oregon Rural Health Conference is the largest gathering in Oregon dedicated to sharing information and showcasing innovative approaches to health and the delivery of health care in rural and frontier Oregon. The conference brings together providers, administrators, consumers, policy makers and others to exchange ideas and share expertise.

Forum on Rural Population Health & Health Equity

The Forum on Rural Population Health & Health Equity (formerly the Forum on Aging in Rural Oregon) is an annual event to be launched in 2024 where healthcare practitioners, administrators, clinicians, public health officials, policymakers and other community leaders will come together to share population health and health equity initiatives, programs, innovations and best practices.

Hospital Quality Workshop

Join the Oregon Office of Rural Health and quality professionals and hospital leaders from Rural and Critical Access Hospitals for our annual quality workshop. The goal of the workshop is to provide a positive learning environment that encourages peer-to-peer learning and sharing of best practices as well as informative updates and evidence-based best practices on important quality-related topics.

Learn more here.

See past presentations here.

ORH’s Community Conversations

Community Conversations is an ongoing, bimonthly virtual event to bring together rural community members and partners to discuss pressing rural health topics. These events are intended to share information and more importantly, learn from YOU about the needs in your rural communities.

Learn more here.

Population Health Webinar Series

ORH is hosting a 6-session webinar series on population health! Join these sessions as we learn from experts on understanding population health in a healthcare setting, collecting social needs data and how to build a population health program, among other important and relevant topics.

Learn more here.

Rural Health Clinic Workshop

The ORH provides Rural Health Clinic (RHC)-specific programming at the annual Oregon Rural Health Conference. Past topics have included RHC Compliance, data, billing and reporting, among others. The ORH strives to provide timely information and policy updates for RHC staff and providers, working with locally and nationally recognized experts. If you have questions or suggestions for future presentations, please contact: Rondyann Gerst | gerst@ohsu.edu | 503-312-3907.


All ORH Webinars are listed below. For specific webinars, please use these links:
Forum on Aging Webinars | Quality Webinars | RHC Webinar

Rural Trans Health in Oregon

October 21, 2021

This conversation will help to foster an awareness of physical and behavioral health care access and barriers for trans people in rural Oregon.

Participants will:

  • Learn about the challenges that trans people (including binary and nonbinary individuals) face when accessing health care in rural Oregon.
  • Explore ways that trans people often navigate and respond to these barriers.
  • Gain an understanding of how to advocate with and care for trans communities.
  • Learn about trans educational resources, including Southern Oregon University’s Certificate in Transgender Studies and Trans and Queer Training program opportunities.


  • Carey Jean Sojka, PhD (they/them/theirs or she/her/hers) | Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies | Southern Oregon University
  • Kylan Mattias de Vries, PhD (he/him/his or they/them/theirs) | Associate Professor & Program Chair, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies | Southern Oregon University


Disaster Preparedness for Older Adults and Their Caregivers

September 16, 2021

Older adults face unique challenges preparing for and in the aftermath of natural disasters. This population can be among the hardest hit by hurricanes, floods, winter storms, heat events, and extended power outages. Learn the many reasons older adults are at a particular disadvantage during disasters and how to help them and their families think through and prepare for a variety of scenarios.


Lauren Kraemer, MPH | Assistant Professor of Practice | Oregon State University Extension Service


Volunteers in Action

August 19, 2021

Learn about Volunteers in Action and consider how to use volunteer community caregiver programs to promote aging-in-place and combat social isolation. Learn program facets such as eligibility requirements, volunteer roles and best practices, opportunities to engage young people, and the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the program.


  • Britta Wilson, MA | Volunteers in Action Program Coordinator, Providence Hood River


Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability (REALD) Data Collection in Oregon

August 11, 2021

During this webinar the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) will provide REALD Program education to health care providers who are required to begin Race, Ethnicity, Language and Disability (REALD) data collection and reporting as of October 1, 2021. Learn about the OHA REALD Program, understand the reporting requirements and get your questions answered during this webinar.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the history of REALD data collection in Oregon, including future data collection efforts for REALD and SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity)
  • Understand why REALD data collection is important
  • Understand how to access resources for REALD data collection


  • Belle Shepherd, MPH, Lead for HB4212 REALD data collection for COVID-19 encounters, and government relations lead on REALD/SOGI legislation.
  • Marjorie McGee, PhD, OHA’s subject matter expert on all things REALD with Equity and Inclusion Division
  • Renee Harger, MPH, Lead for data collection on REALD for COVID-19 encounters in OHA’s Acute and Communicable Disease Program



Promoting Pediatric Lead Screening in Oregon

August 11, 2021

Health issues associated with pediatric lead exposure received attention recently when the water in Flint, Michigan, was found to contain lead.  Lead affects children in rural Oregon as well.  After this session, participants will have:

  • Knowledge about potential sources of lead in Oregon and how to mitigate exposure 
  • Knowledge about the unique childhood vulnerabilities that can result 
  • Understanding of the importance of pediatric blood level surveillance 
  • Information on how to prevent elevated blood levels in children 

NW PEHSU offers free consultations to clinicians regarding lead and other environmental exposures. Contact them at 1-877-KID-CHEM (1-877-543-2436) or email pehsu@uw.edu. Although it is housed in Washington, NW PEHSU also serves Oregon, Alaska, and Idaho.


Debra Cherry M.D., M.S. | Director of the Occupational and Environmental Residency Program | University of Washington

Dr. Cherry was joined by Ryan Barker of the OHA, Program Coordinator, Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, for the Q & A session.


Working Through the Challenges – Complex Geropsychiatric Intervention and Management

June 24, 2021

With a great deal of information to cover this session will be 90 minutes! Presenters discuss the challenges and possible approaches that can be taken with aging patients/community members who may be determined to lack capacity and are uncooperative with current services. These individuals often have multiple complex co-existing concerns and complaints lodged against them. Many of these individuals are unable to be placed and may not be eligible for a mental health hold, and cannot be admitted to the hospital—thus often ending up in jail, homeless and uncooperative with caseworkers.


  • Tim Malone, LCSW | Private Practice Geropsychiatric Social Worker
  • Terry Schroeder, MA | Civil Commitment Coordinator, Oregon Health Authority


How Can I Help You? Creating an Awesome Patient Experience Every Time

Patient Experience Webinar
June 22, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC
Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals

Join Lauren for a practical and informative webinar full of tools you can start using the same day to improve your customer service skills and create exceptional experiences for your patients every time.                                                                                         

  • Learning points:
  • What is customer service and why does it matter?
  • What is your role in the patient experience?
  • Specific and actionable goals for your patient interactions
  • Skills and behaviors of customer service experts
  • How to respond to a dissatisfied patient
  • Sample scripts and more!

Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise.  Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.


Let’s Talk About Dementia – What it Is, How Caregivers are Impacted, Risk for Abuse and Resources for Support

Thursday, June 17, 2021

May was Mental Health Awareness month and we are continuing the conversation into June. Please join us to discuss symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, resources for your loved one and for caregivers, and what to do when abuse is suspected.

After attending this session, participants will have:

  • Knowledge of symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias
  • Knowledge of dementia and elder abuse
  • Information on resources for your loved one and for family caregivers


  • Nirmala Dhar, LCSW | Mental Health Lead, Older Adult Behavioral Health |Oregon Health Authority


RHC Regulatory & Operational Update

May 12, 2021
Presented by Katie Jo Raebel, CPA, and Partner at Wipfli

This webinar will cover legislative changes, the issues and risks regarding the unknowns, as well as strategies that RHCs should be considering to optimize reimbursement.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate strategies for managing under the new RHC reimbursement limitations
  • Discuss HHS CARES Act provider fund reporting & documentation requirements

Katie Jo Raebel has more than 19 years of experience in audit and accounting services, focused exclusively on health care industry clients. She specializes in assisting freestanding and provider-based clinics to navigate through the rural health clinic (RHC) certification process and is a proven thought leader with vast experience in the RHC arena. Katie Jo helps to calculate RHCs’ Medicare and Medicaid rates, provides education regarding changes in billing because of certification, and consults on all areas specific to RHCs. In addition, she helps organizations determine the best certification options to experience the most beneficial gain from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.
Katie Jo is a regular speaker at industry events and conferences including the Rural Health Clinic Association of Washington, the Oregon Rural Health Conference, the National Association of Rural Health Clinics Conference, and most recently the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Bureau of Rural Health and Primary Care annual conference. She also is a featured speaker at the annual Spokane office-sponsored cost report and reimbursement seminar.


CAH Quality 101 Training Session 2

April 28, 2021
Presented by Susan Runyan, CEO, Runyan Health Care Quality Consulting

The Oregon Office of Rural Health is offering CAH quality staff and leaders an opportunity to participate in a new series called the CAH Quality 101 Training Program which will consist of two, one hour virtual trainings followed by six, monthly Open Office Hour sessions that will provide continuing education and peer to peer learning and sharing opportunities. This work is being led by Susan Runyan of Runyan Health Care Quality Consulting who is a well-known quality consultant in the CAH world and also works with the Kansas Hospital Association and Kansas State Flex Program.

This opportunity is aimed to teach best practices in quality improvement, data abstracting, data reporting and process improvement. This will be an excellent opportunity for newer staff or for staff who may be well into their quality role but has not had the opportunity to receive targeted training in the area of quality. It is also a great refresher for more seasoned staff. Your entire quality team is invited to participate. In addition, a variety of tools/resources will be provided to assist staff in their roles in your quality department.


Not Just Bureaucracy: Oregon’s Office of Aging and People with Disabilities and YOU

April 15, 2021

You may not realize it, but the State of Oregon has a variety of programs and supports that can help keep older adults safe, independent, and able to choose how they want to live their lives. This presentation will cover many of the different resources, services and supports available to older adults through government programs, how to advocate successfully, and some of the innovative partnerships happening in rural communities. You might even learn some new acronyms along the way!


After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the functions of the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRCs) and how they benefit older adults
  • Discuss different long-term care settings and what distinguishes each type of setting
  • Understand how to advocate for passage of bills, how to participate in the rule-making process, and the role of the Governor’s Commission on Senior Services (GCSS)
  • Explain the role of Adult Protective Services (APS) and when to report suspected or witnessed abuse

Ann McQueen, MS, PhD | Community Services and Supports Manager | Aging and People with Disabilities Program | Oregon Department of Human Services


CAH Quality 101 Training Session 1

April 7,2021
Presented by Susan Runyan, CEO, Runyan Health Care Quality Consulting

The CAH Quality 101 Training Series is an opportunity aimed to teach best practices in quality improvement, data abstracting, data reporting and process improvement. This is an excellent opportunity for newer staff or for staff who may be well into their quality role but has not had the opportunity to receive targeted training in the area of quality. It is also a great refresher for more seasoned staff. Your entire quality team is invited to participate. In addition, a variety of tools/resources will be provided to assist staff in their roles in your quality department.


A Conversation About Resilience in Native American Communities

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The intent of this conversation is to foster cultural competency among health professionals to serve Native American Elders. A focus in this session is the Q&A.


  • Explore an overview of American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) history to build understanding of intergenerational trauma, personal trauma, and mistrust of institutions which have resulted in health disparities.
  • Discover several models/tools/resources that can be used to provide services with more cultural humility to our AI/AN patients.
  • Use the Q&A forum to answer specific audience questions and share personal and professional experiences from three Native American professionals across the social work and public health fields.


  • Kerri Smith Slingerland, LCSW, MS, CBIS, CADC III
  • Darin Smith, MPH, MSW
  • Derek Smith, MSW, MPH


How to Be Your Own Consultant

Leadership Development Workshop Webinar Series
March 18, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals- Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise. Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.


Resilience, Relationships, Compassion and COVID

Leadership Development Workshop Webinar Series
March 11, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals- Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise. Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.

  • Identify what resilience is and how to practice it
  • Understand the value of work relationships and how to create and build them
  • Learn techniques for knowing and taking care of ourselves
  • Understand what compassion is and how to practice it with ourselves and others


Employee Engagement and Teambuilding

Leadership Development Workshop Webinar Series
February 25, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals- Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise.  Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.


Survey Readiness During the Public Health Emergency (PHE)

February 23, 2021
Presented by Kate Hill

Kate Hill, RN, is a graduate of Einstein Medical Center School of Nursing.  As an Army Nurse, Kate served in Viet Nam where she was awarded the Bronze Star.  Kate has worked with orthopedic patients in several capacities including nearly 3-decades with Biomet. Kate joined The Compliance Team in early 2012 to direct TCT’s rural health clinic accreditation program and has fallen in love with Rural. As VP of Clinical Services, she has spearheaded TCT’s Rural Health Clinic Accreditation program combining her clinical expertise, business acumen and passion for delivery of the best care possible to every patient.


How to Develop from Manager into Leader

Leadership Development Workshop Webinar Series
February 11, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals- Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise.  Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.


Advanced RHC Cost Reporting

February 10, 2021
Presented by Katie Jo Raebel, CPA, and Partner at Wipfli

This session will build off of information gained from the Basic RHC Cost Reporting presentation. We will focus on advanced topics related to Medicare RHC cost reporting and common cost reporting inaccuracies and opportunities for improvement.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how productivity standards may affect your cost-per-visit calculation and payments from other payers
  2. Compare your clinic’s key cost report information to those in Oregon and throughout the nation
  3. Strategize reimbursement optimization while ensuring reporting accuracies

Katie Jo Raebel has more than 19 years of experience in audit and accounting services, focused exclusively on health care industry clients. She specializes in assisting freestanding and provider-based clinics to navigate through the rural health clinic (RHC) certification process and is a proven thought leader with vast experience in the RHC arena. Katie Jo helps to calculate RHCs’ Medicare and Medicaid rates, provides education regarding changes in billing because of certification, and consults on all areas specific to RHCs. In addition, she helps organizations determine the best certification options to experience the most beneficial gain from Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement.
Katie Jo is a regular speaker at industry events and conferences including the Rural Health Clinic Association of Washington, the Oregon Rural Health Conference, the National Association of Rural Health Clinics Conference, and most recently the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Bureau of Rural Health and Primary Care annual conference. She also is a featured speaker at the annual Spokane office-sponsored cost report and reimbursement seminar.


Basic RHC Cost Reporting

February 3,2021
Presented by Katie Jo Raebel, CPA from Wipfli, LLP

This session will provide an overview of the rural health clinic Medicare cost report. Join us as we analyze each worksheet within this report (CMS Form 222-17) in order to gain an overall understanding of the basic functions of the Medicare cost report.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the various worksheets of the Medicare cost report, the flow of information, and where to find valuable data.
  2. Review the three components of the Medicare cost report settlement, the calculation of those amounts, and how the information provided to your cost report preparer can affect the final receivable/payable.
  3. Learn best practices for tracking information during the year in order to ensure an accurate report.


Planning and Goal Setting for 2021

Leadership Development Workshop Webinar Series
January 28, 2021

Presented by Lauren K. Harris, FACMPE
Harris Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Partnering with practices to identify and achieve their goals- Lauren is passionate about medical practices and enjoys partnering with them to see them succeed. After years of honing her skills within large and small organizations of multiple specialties, including RHC and School-Based Health Centers, she started her own consulting practice in July 2020. She partners directly with practitioners and leaders to provide business and operation expertise.  Lauren started her healthcare management career in 1992, and achieved her MGMA/CMPE certification in 2008 and her FACMPE certification in 2013.


RHC, What Now After COVID-19?

January 21,2021
Presented by Kate Hill, RN, VP of Clinical Services
The Compliance Team

During this webinar, Kate will discuss how to manage compliance in the clinic during the ongoing Public Health Emergency. How to complete the Emergency Preparedness After Action Report (AAR). The importance of infection prevention in the clinic now and moving forward. How things are different now in the RHC and for the foreseeable future. The issue of staying compliant when staff is lighter than usual.

Kate Hill, RN, is a graduate of Einstein Medical Center School of Nursing.  As an Army Nurse, Kate served in Viet Nam where she was awarded the Bronze Star.  Kate has worked with orthopedic patients in several capacities including nearly 3-decades with Biomet. Kate joined The Compliance Team in early 2012 to direct TCT’s rural health clinic accreditation program and has fallen in love with Rural. As VP of Clinical Services, she has spearheaded TCT’s Rural Health Clinic Accreditation program combining her clinical expertise, business acumen and passion for delivery of the best care possible to every patient.  She presently serves on the Board of the National Association of Rural Health Clinics and on the Congress at NRHA. She feels fortunate to speak at numerous state and national meetings about RHC compliance countrywide, which gives her the opportunity to learn firsthand the diverse issues clinics are facing.  Kate lives in suburban Philadelphia with her husband and near her three granddaughters.


Critical Maintenance Emergency Plan Biennial Review, Civil Rights, Personnel File Audits

January 6, 2021
Presented by Tressa Sacrey, RHC Compliance Analyst

Health Services Associates
Tressa R. Sacrey joined Health Services Associates in May 2015 as a Compliance Analyst. Mrs. Sacrey has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and has completed courses in Business Applied Technology. Key areas of responsibility include creating policies, developing emergency plans, facilitating hazard training, researching CMS regulations, conducting on-site compliance mock surveys, and creating forms and tools to assist RHC’s across the nation.
Tressa will discuss how maintaining compliance at the RHC is an ongoing process.
Participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of the required civil rights elements for the clinic
  • Discover which documents will be reviewed during the personnel file audit
  • Learn the operative guidelines and timeframes for the emergency plan review

You won’t want to miss this valuable training!
Stay ready for your next survey.
Be operationally sound, so you can stay focused on what matters most - The Patient!


All ORH Webinars are listed below. For specific webinars, please use these links:
Forum on Aging Webinars | RHC Webinars

RHC Survey During COVID-19: Q&A with Janis McDowell, State Surveyor

December 11, 2020

Please come prepared to ask questions about RHC surveys during the COVID-19 PHE and learn how you can prepare for an unannounced survey.
Join us as we explore:

  • How the survey has changed during COVID-19
  • The challenges of a survey during the PHE
  • What is involved in the COVID-19 Focused Infection Prevention Survey

Janis McDowell, RN, BSN, MA, is a Patient Safety Surveyor for OHA’s Health Facility Licensing and Certification Office with almost 5 years’ experience surveying hospitals, home health agencies, ambulatory surgery centers with current focus on dialysis centers and rural health clinics. Before moving into the realm of regulatory work, Janis’ nursing experience included trauma recovery and mental health.


2021 E/M Coding and Billing Changes

December 9, 2020
Presented by Kim Huey, KGG Coding and Reimbursement Consulting, LLC

During this webinar Kim will walk you through everything you need to successfully implement the 2021 CPT code changes in your RHC.  

This webinar covers:

  • 2021 overview of ICD-10 and CPT coding and billing changes;
  • Documentation updates to support the new codes;
  • CMS changes for E/M and coding reimbursement; and
  • How fraud and abuse will affect these changes, and more.

Information was accurate as of the date of the presentation.


2020 RHC Workshop and Oregon Rural Health Conference

October 4-13

LGBTQ+ Older and Aging Adult Cultural Competency 101 – Tools to Improve Patient Communication, Care and Outcomes

October 29, 2020
LGBTQ+ Older and Aging Adult Cultural Competency 101 – Tools to Improve Patient Communication, Care, and Outcomes. This multidisciplinary introductory training course for healthcare professionals focuses on older and aging LGBTQ+ adults, including challenges, disparities, and solutions. Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Describe health disparities faced by LGBT older adults.
  • Explain how policy changes can improve health care and elder services for this population.
  • Describe how health systems and providers can advocate and care for their LGBT older patients.


Policy Matters

September 30, 2020
This year, 2020 has been a challenging year on many fronts.  The pandemic, recession, and social unrest are having far reaching impact on every aspect of our lives. Join us on Sept 30, for an interactive forum to hear how AARP is working to advocate for the interests of people 50+ and their families.

Learn about AARP’s “Protect Voters 50+” Campaign that includes a comprehensive voter engagement effort and voter education on important federal issues like Social Security.  Learn about current state advocacy efforts and policy priorities for the upcoming 2021 legislative session. 


Scams & Financial Exploitation Targeting Rural & Frontier Elders

August 27, 2020
This virtual session will demonstrate scams and financial exploitation, as well as the impacts they have on rural older Oregonians. Learn to identify the indicators of scams and financial exploitation, who to report to, and what Adult Protective Services (APS) can and cannot do. Hear about the barriers facing the at-risk population in rural and frontier Oregon, focusing on how to work with bankslocal law enforcement and other agencies resources to ensure the safety and protection of victims of elder financial abuse. Also hear about the collaborative multi-disciplinary approach APS uses to address complicated cases and the challenges that come with investigating financial cases in rural Oregon.


Rural Telehealth: What is the impact to RHCs during the PHE and beyond?

August 12, 2020

Not only has the COVID-19 PHE changed the way the we do business in our rural healthcare facilities, it has also changed the way that we have used telehealth in providing patient care.  Join us as we explore:

  • How the provision of telehealth services has changed during the COVID-19 PHE
  • The challenges of providing telehealth during the PHE
  • How the PHE may change the telehealth landscape in the future


Filling the Day with Meaning

July 29, 2020

This training explores factors such as spiritual wellness, personality style, health and usual daily routine in building meaning, relationship and hope for older adults in the midst of Covid 19.


  • Understand how changes imposed by the epidemic impact spiritual, emotional and physical health
  • Learn how to use the Spiritual Health Assessment to understand the basic needs of the human spirit
  • Build a framework for providing a person centered balance of activities that fill the day with meaning for each older adult


Positive Approaches to Care — 10 Steps to De-escalate a Crisis

June 19, 2020

A virtual training by Rod Harwood, MDiv, MA, QMHP-C, Older Adult Behavioral Health Coordinator

When a person living with dementia feels threatened or overwhelmed, they may become aggressive. This training enhances caregiver understanding of the root cause of this behavior and offers strategies for preventing escalation and restoring a resident’s sense of safety and control.

This training will:

  1. Provide an overview of how the brain works for those living with dementia, and how, when feeling threatened, the primitive part of their brain becomes “the boss” of their behavior.
  2. Understand the role of the 5 senses and how they drive behaviors.
  3. Provide an introduction to the “Positive Approach to Care” in supporting those living with dementia.
  4. Learn 10 ways to help a person de-escalate when under stress.


Advanced RHC Billing and Coding

June 6, 2020
Advanced Rural Health Clinic Billing and Coding webinar takes a deeper look at RHC services and how to report them. It reviews in-depth claim examples based on a variety of patient visit scenarios. These include: RHC telehealth billing, mental health billing, specialists in the RHC, preventive services, care management services, and negative payments.


Basic RHC Billing and Coding

June 6, 2020
The Basic Rural Health Clinic Billing and Coding webinar reviews RHC services and how to report them. It includes all of the basics for building and reporting RHC Medicare claims. It covers RHC locations and providers, incident to, surgeries, injections, RHC services vs. non-RHC services, specialists and global billing.


Hospice & Long-Term Care in the Year of the Virus

May 26, 2020
Dr. Michael Knower (St. Charles Hospice) and Lee Garber (Regency Rehabilitation and Nursing Center of Prineville) provide insight into impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on fragile, vulnerable, and clinically complex long-term care facility residents and hospice patients. Learn about how COVID-19 unfolded in the community of Prineville, Oregon; its impacts on care delivery; how care providers are complying with regulations; and the myriad of challenges experienced.


Assistive Technology: Programs, Devices, Applications, and More

April 29, 2020
Kevin Roebke (Oregon Public Utility Commission) and Brian Sacre, (Access Technology Inc.) provide insight into state assistive technology programs including the Oregon State Assistive Technology Program (OSATP), National Deaf Blind Equipment Distribution Program (NDEDP), and Telecommunication Devices Access Program (TDAP). Learn about assistive technologies each program offers as well as eligibility, benefits, how to select a potentially expensive piece of technology, and how to get connected to affordable phone and internet services.


Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Listening Session #3

April 23, 2020
RHC leaders have a roundtable discussion regarding operating in the present environment amid COVID-19.


RHC Emergency Preparedness, Part 2

April 22, 2020
Kate Hill discusses RHC Emergency Preparedness Training and Testing with an example of a Table Top Drill and After Action Report (AAR).


Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Listening Session 2

April 9, 2020
RHC leaders discuss concerns and challenges internally and in their community.


Telehealth for Oregon Rural Health Clinics: Resources and Reimbursement

April 7, 2020
Rose Locklear (Oregon Office of Rural Health) and Tammy Norville (National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health) walk you through a new resource created to help you navigate the policy and resources related to telehealth amid the COVID-19 crisis.


RHC Emergency Preparedness and COVID-19, Part 1

April 8, 2020
Kate Hill discusses RHC COVID-19 strategies to use in your clinic and requirements of RHC Emergency Preparedness 42 CFR 491.12.


Rural Health Clinic COVID-19 Listening Session 1

March 26, 2020
RHC leaders discuss top concerns which include: supplies, testing, community, policies and procedures, amid COVID-19 pandemic.


RHC Compliance 101, Part 2

January 15, 2020
Kate Hill from The Compliance Team, will go into more detail regarding compliance requirements in Rural Health Clinics.


RHC Compliance 101, Part 1

January 8, 2020
Kate Hill  from The Compliance Team, covers compliance requirements in Rural Health Clinics form completion through survey.



September 2024

Thursday, 9/26, 12:00pm-1:00pm