Population Health
Rural Population Health Programs
The Oregon Office of Rural Health (ORH) has increased its focus on population health to support the evolving needs of rural hospitals, clinics, public health, community-based organizations (CBOs) and others to increase their knowledge, capacity, and expertise in pursuing population health and health equity initiatives. ORH views population health as interconnected with health equity, health disparities, social drivers of health and access to and quality of care. Addressing population health and health equity is imperative to support thriving, healthy communities.
In addition to the programs listed below, ORH provides guidance and technical expertise to hospitals, clinics and other organizations to bolster their population health programs.
(formerly Forum on Aging in Rural Oregon)
Click here to learn more about the Oregon Rural Quality Excellence Awards for CBOs, Critical Access Hospitals, and Rural Health Clinics
Stepha Dragoon | dragoon@ohsu.edu