Driving and parking

Discover your best options for accessing OHSU's facilities below.
For non-patients, parking on campus requires a permit, weekdays, 8am to 5pm and OHSU provides a variety of cost-saving alternatives.
Patient services
Patients and their personal visitors park free in patient parking. For all other purposes, OHSU is pay to park Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm except holidays.

Locations and directions to campuses and buildings
Parking facilities by campus, including addresses, pictures and more information
Non-patient services
For people with a work or education affiliation with OHSU:
Transit passes, bike subsidies, walk incentives and more.
Electric vehicles
Marquam Hill has charging stations on Level 5 of Garage F in 4-hour parking. Non-patients must display a parking pass.
Only patients and personal visitors of patients may park a motorcycle in patient parking. People with an OHSU work or education affiliation may park a motorcycle in designated areas with a free permit: To acquire, use your OHSU login here and select "Request or Stop a Permit."
Motorcycles and mopeds are not permitted within bike lanes and facilities. See Oregon's definitions.