Parking on campus

Patients and their personal visitors with motorcycles may park in patient parking.
Patient parking locations and more information.
Learn about parking a motorcycle for work or education below.
Have a work or education affiliation with OHSU but arriving for a personal appointment? Learn about patient coverage here.
Motorcycle rules also apply to mopeds and other vehicles no larger than a motorcycle that are not legally permitted in bike lanes and facilities. See Oregon's guide here.
Parking for work and education
Free motorcycle permits are available to people with active OHSU badges.
Locations on campus
Motorcycle permits allow parking in non-patient motorcycle zones only, including:
Designated motorcycle parking
Diagonally striped areas found in the corners of most garages (excluding any striped areas adjacent to ADA stalls)
Request a motorcycle permit
Log in below and select “Request or Stop a Permit.”
Motorcycle spaces can only accommodate motorcycles under 44 inches wide.
Motorcycles parked in full-size vehicle stalls require purchase of a regular parking permit via:
Motorcycles and mopeds are not allowed in bicycle parking or pedestrian zones.