Researcher Resources

Featured opportunities

Researcher in his lab

See the tabs below for a number of research related activities.

Biomedical Innovation: Commercialization Readiness Program

This 6-week course, designed for individuals or teams of clinicians, scientists, postdocs, residents, graduate/medical students or entrepreneurs with an early-stage biomedical innovation or idea, will help you connect with potential customers and better understand the market potential for your research project, protocol, service, or prototype.

Program dates: Sept. 27 - Nov. 1
Application deadline: Sept. 20

Vollum Scientific Writing Program

The Vollum Writing Program is an in-depth, professional science writing course open to OHSU graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. This class uses short lectures, class discussion, and workshop-style writing assignments, as well as individual sessions, to help researchers learn to write better papers and grants. The emphasis is on improving writing style. The program will meet weekly for four weeks.

Cost: $500
Dates: Oct. 2 - Oct. 23

Additional resources

OHSU Research Development

  • OHSU Research Development is the nerve center for managing research projects at OHSU. They provide research funding and development services, pre-award management and help with submitting proposals, post-award management, comparative medicine services, clinical trials services and clinical trials billing, collaborations with technology transfer, and research compliance tools.

Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute

Research Administration Training and Education (RATE)

  • Research Administration Training and Education is a centralized effort to share training opportunities and resources with researchers, research administrators, and others working in support of the research mission. 

Vollum Writing Program

  • This four-week professional science writing course combines short lectures, class discussion, workshop-style writing assignments and individual sessions to help researchers learn to write better papers and grants. It is open to OHSU graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty.
  • Time: Four sessions per year (winter, spring, summer, fall) on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon; plus six individual meeting times arranged by appointment.
  • Cost: There is no charge for members of a Vollum lab or part of certain graduate Ph.D. programs; $500 for others.
  • Email to register.

RCR & RRT Resources

  • The life science community has compiled a list of publicly available resources focused on responsible conduct of research (RCR) and rigor, responsibility & transparency (RRT).

Diversity Program Consortium (DPC) Newsletter

  • Subscribe to this newsletter to learn about innovative approaches to research training and mentoring in biomedical sciences.

Marquam Talks

  • Marquam Talks are virtual talks showcasing the research and clinical advances of OHSU faculty on timely topics. All talks will be at 7 p.m. and end with a question and answer period with the speaker.

Vollum Seminar Series

  • The Vollum Seminar Series runs through the academic year and strives to bring prominent scientists to OHSU to present current research in the general areas of molecular neurobiology, signal transduction and gene regulation.

Advanced Grant Writing Class

  • This class provides advanced training and extensive individual feedback to help you write better grant applications. Class sessions are accompanied by four one-on-one sessions with the instructor, Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D., to revise and edit the application you are actively writing. Prerequisites include being an OHSU faculty member or completion of the Vollum Writing Class, along with imminent plans to write a grant and some preliminary data to write about.
  • Cost: Free
  • Time: 4-week class plus individual meetings

OHSU Building Up Program

  • The OHSU Building Up program is designed for postdocs and early career faculty who are underrepresented in health sciences to advance their research careers through rigorous career development in a supportive, inclusive, and peer-led community. This year-long, cohort based program will include seminars, mentoring, networking activities and writing support.
  • Participants are required to participate in in-person and virtual engagement activities with the Building Up community that occur at least monthly.
  • Applications open in Summer for Fall program start.

Early Career Advancement Program

  • Faculty who are accepted into this program are paired with experienced mentors who help them with goal setting, budgeting, team building, and identifying funding opportunities. Faculty also attend hands-on, interactive workshops focused on developing key competencies in laboratory management, grant writing, and leadership skills.
  • Any early to mid-career faculty member within the School of Medicine is eligible to apply.

OCTRI Design Studio

  • OCTRI Design Studios are set up to maximize the success of OHSU’s early-career investigators by providing feedback on career development grant proposals or your first R grant as you are developing them.
  • Cost: Free
  • OCTRI Design Studios are typically scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

OCTRI Scholars Program

  • The OCTRI Scholars Program offers educational opportunities, mentorship, and research and proposal support to early-career faculty in their transition to research independence. The mission of this program is to identify and support promising faculty who may benefit from OCTRI support and resources in their efforts to obtain independent research funding.
  • All researchers at OHSU or the Portland VA who have a current career development award are eligible to participate.

NIH Scientific Workforce Diversity (SWD) Office

People Management for PIs

  • Every Principal Investigator wants to build and maintain a lab that attracts and retains outstanding staff members so that your science will be excellent. Juggling this endeavor with all else the PI must do — writing papers, teaching, mentoring, gaining and maintaining funding, creating collaborative and productive relationships with other PIs — can be challenging at best. This free, 1.5-day Compass course will help you learn to manage people with a focus on the particular needs of running a lab.

The Human Investigations Program

  • The various academic programs offered by HIP are designed to give you the skills to enhance your career in clinical and translational research. HIP participants gain practical skills in conducting successful research studies and acquire knowledge that directly supports research and expands collaboration opportunities.
  • Time: Variable, can range from one course to a Master's degree
  • Cost: Variable, depending on the program