Faculty Development Summit

Thank you for attending!
Thank you to all of our presenters and attendees at this year's Faculty Development Summit.
If you were not able to attend live (or if you would like to refresh yourself on something that was shared), recordings of all of the sessions have been linked to in the archive section below.
The Faculty Development Summit convenes faculty development stakeholders from across OHSU School of Medicine departments and institutes for a day of peer-to-peer learning, discussion, discovery and planning.
Whether meticulously designed and researched, or informal in their original formation, faculty development efforts that have a proven track record of success or offer lessons for others are worth sharing. Likewise, given the numerous individual or departmental level efforts in faculty development, there is a good chance that many unique approaches to faculty development are otherwise unknown to many who could benefit from that knowledge and experience.
For these reasons, the yearly Faculty Development Summit seeks to be a place where good ideas can be shared, productive conversations can be had, and the seeds for new faculty development initiatives can be planted.
Summit objectives
By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify partners in a FD community of practice.
- Define opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration in FD efforts.
- List barriers and opportunities for faculty development programming.
- Construct an inventory of highlighted faculty development efforts.
- Generate metrics for evaluation of faculty development programs.
- Participate in strategic planning for SoM faculty development efforts.
2024 Summit Archive

The 2024 summit was a one-day, in-person event, held in the OHSU Auditorium (Old Library) on Marquam Hill, with remote participation options available.
After initial opening addresses by the Associate Dean for Faculty Development and the Interim Dean of the School of Medicine, there were a series of lightning round presentation sessions, immediately followed by panel Q&A and discussions.
Each session focused on one domain of faculty development. Presenters gave a 10-minute presentation on either their current approach to supporting faculty in that domain, or a planned approach to supporting faculty in a given domain. Each session featured up to five presentations.
Session topics for 2024 include: Mentorship; onboarding and orientation; well-being; diversity; equity and inclusion, faculty skill building; coaching; scholarship; and promotion and tenure.
April 26, 2024
- 2024 Faculty Development Summit schedule
- Presentation Slides
- Access session recordings
- Opening Remarks
- Session 1: Mentorship
- Session 2: Onboarding and Orientation
- Session 3: Well-being and Professional Development
- Session 4: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Session 5: Faculty Skill Building
- Session 6: Coaching
- Session 7: Faculty Development Scholarship and Evaluation
- Session 8: Promotion and Tenure
- Closing Remarks
- Access the Sakai course page to learn more about some of the featured approaches to faculty development.
- Total number of attendees: 85
- In-person only: 55
- Virtual only: 16
- Virtual and in-person: 14
- Number of presentations: 22
- Total number of presenters: 35
- Departments represented: 11
- Divisions represented: 7
- Other schools/centers: 4

2023 Summit Archive

The 2023 summit was a one-day, in-person event, be held in the OHSU Auditorium (Old Library) on Marquam Hill, with external guest lectures presenting remotely.
The summit was broken up into three sessions. Each of session included a guest lecture from a national leader in faculty development, immediately followed by Q&A. OHSU participants broke out into small facilitated workshop groups to discuss what they have learned and how such lessons could be applied to their own faculty development efforts.
- Douglas Ziedonis, M.D., M.P.H. - Executive Vice President (EVP) for University of New Mexico Health Sciences and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the UNM Health System
- Kelly Holder, Ph.D. - Chief Wellness Officer, Brown Division of Biology and Medicine
Cary Ward, M.D. - Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Duke University School of Medicine
- 2023 Faculty Development Summit schedule
- Plenary session materials
- School of Medicine Dean's Office Remarks (recording) - Andrea Cedfeldt M.D., Leslie Garcia, M.P.A., Ed.D., and David Jacoby, M.D.
- A Career Perspective on Professional Development across an Organization (recording available until May 19, 2023) - Douglas Ziedonis, M.D., M.P.H
- Cultivating a Community of Well-being (recording) - Kelly Holder, Ph.D.
- Faculty Development: Will what got us Here get us There? (recording) - Cary Ward, M.D.
- Small Group Workshop Materials
- Activity Instructions (editable .docx format)
- Activity Worksheet (editable .docx format)
- Online Collaborative Workspace (Figma)
- Please feel free to read, add and reply to comments, and share
2022 Summit Archive

The 2022 summit was a one-day, in-person event, held in the OHSU Auditorium (Old Library) on Marquam Hill, with remote participation options available.
After an initial opening address on the state of faculty development in the School of Medicine, there was a series of lightning round presentation sessions, immediately followed by panel Q&A and discussions.
Each session focused on one domain of faculty development. Presenters gave a 10-minute pitch on either their current approach to supporting faculty in that domain or a planned approach to supporting faculty in a given domain. Each session featured up to five presentations.
The aim was to select presentations in an effort to provide a balanced mix of small and large departments, while also highlighting departments who have already begun to measure outcomes from their initiatives or who have identified a problem or gap for which they have designed and implemented a new approach and have a plan in place to measure outcomes. We also hoped to highlight presenters whose departments are actively addressing diversity and inclusion and supporting equitable program design.
May 6, 2022
- 2022 Faculty Development Summit schedule
- Access session recordings
- Introduction and Opening Presentation
- Session 1: Anti-racism and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Session 2: Onboarding and Orientation
- Session 3: Well-being
- Session 4: Leadership Development
- Special Session: Focus on Department of Diagnostic Radiology
- Session 5: Professional Development
- Session 6: Mentorship
- Session 7: Annual Reviews and Promotion and Tenure
- Access the Sakai course page to learn more about the featured approaches to faculty development.
- Total number of attendees: 98
- In-person only: 48
- Virtual only: 39
- Virtual and in-person: 11
- Number of presentations: 25
- Total number of presenters: 52
- Departments represented: 12
- Divisions represented: 11
Contact us
Please contact the conference planning chair with any questions.
This event is sponsored by the SOM Office of Faculty Development and the Faculty Advancement and Development Committee.