Get the Support You Need, When You Need It

Diagram featuring OCTRI Research Support Services, which include: study design consultation, identifying your study population, regulatory consultations, data analysis, qualitative research and program evaluation, and data management.

From the spark of an idea to publishing your findings. Wherever you are in your translational research, we’re here to provide the information, guidance and resources you need to keep your project moving. 

Consultation and services

The OCTRI Navigator can help guide you through the study design process, including connecting you to free and fee-based resources to help you kick off your research. Submit a cost estimate request to learn more.

See how the Trial Innovation Network can support your research project with resources and infrastructure for multi-site research. 

Get hands-on help from the nursing, bionutrition, lab assay, and study coordinator teams in the OCTRI Clinical & Translational Research Center throughout your project.

Sign up for face-to-face feedback on your proposal draft at the OCTRI Design Studio.

Contact the OCTRI Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) program to get a statistical consultation.

Watch the video below to learn how the Clinical Research Development Team can help you develop your study.


Access a database of qualitative patient-centered interviews via the Health Experiences Research Network (HERN).  OCTRI & HERN are collaborating to conduct and disseminate health experiences research to facilitate a more comprehensive, rich, and representative understanding of patient health experiences.

Consultation and services

Measure the impact of your interventions with support from the OHSU Evaluation Core and the OHSU Community, Outreach, Research & Engagement program.

When your research involves human subjects, it requires approval from the Institutional Review Board. You may also need regulatory approval from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.  OCTRI’s Regulatory Knowledge and Support (RKS) team can provide guidance.

Consultation and services

Contact an OCTRI Navigator to connect with the RKS team for help in determining what requirements apply to your study and how to navigate the appropriate approvals and reporting requirements.

Explore the Consultation and Development resources, including consultation around regulatory knowledge and support, data safety monitoring, and investigational new drug and investigational device exemption process resources.


Dig into OCTRI resources and guidance documents to help with your efforts in recruitment and retention of study participants.

Use Cohort Discovery to determine patient cohort counts from electronic health record data.

Consultation and services

Contact OCTRI's Recruitment Specialist  to schedule a comprehensive recruitment consultation to identify the best resources for your study.

Get community recruitment support from the OCTRI Community Research Hub.


Build and manage online survey responses and databases with REDCap.

Consultation and services

Reach out to OCTRI Navigator to schedule a consultation with an Informatics analyst for guidance on the best solutions to your data management needs.

Explore clinical research informatics services available through OCTRI, including streamlining data collection from electronic medical records, building customized databases, and data pre-processing.

Explore the Research Data Concierge site for help accessing and working with research data at OHSU.

Collaborate with the Biostatistics and Design Program (BDP) to prepare REDCap data for analysis.

Consultation and services

Collaborate with a biostatistician in the Biostatistics and Design Program (BDP) to analyze your data and interpret the results.

Get qualitative analysis support from the Evaluation Assitance Program.

Research Data Concierge at OHSU

The research data concierge is available to help investigators access and work with research data at OHSU. The Research Data Sharepoint Online site has extensive research data resources, with more to be added over time from across the institution. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or if you have other questions, please email the research data concierge directly:

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OCTRI Research Resources

This pre-recorded webinar provides a comprehensive overview of OCTRI research resources.  

Watch now
Animated video of how to request services from OCTRI

How to request OCTRI services

Watch this brief video to learn how a Research Navigator can connect you to the breadth of OCTRI’s services.

Watch now
Navigator icon that is a blue avatar with long hair, glasses, and an orange sweater

Contact an OCTRI Navigator to connect with research resources


Need to find OCTRI's Rates?

Review our rates list.


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Looking for OCTRI’s collection of OHSU forms and templates?

Review our document library.

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