Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences


The mission of the Division of Reproductive and Developmental Sciences (DRDS) at the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) is to perform basic and applied research that will increase our understanding of primate reproduction, embryogenesis, and fetal/postnatal development. This knowledge will be used to treat reproductive disorders, regulate fertility, and improve the health of women and their offspring. Research projects span the continuum of reproductive processes, from gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis, implantation, placental function, and the maintenance of pregnancy, to fetal growth, parturition, delivery, and neonatal development. Research groups utilize macaque species and baboons as clinically relevant models for whole-animal, cellular, and molecular studies that recapitulate the mechanisms controlling reproduction and development in humans. Researchers are creating and using additional nonhuman primate (NHP) models to alleviate reproductive syndromes/pathologies, develop nonhormonal contraceptive methods, improve treatments for infertility and Oncofertility, and assess the role of aging and the environment in development. By combining assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) with state-of-the-art genome editing techniques, Division scientists are also involved in creating NHP models of human diseases to understand their pathophysiology, investigate the accuracy, efficacy, and safety of gene editing, and advance the next generation of precision medicine-based treatments.

There are 20 scientists comprising DRDS. Some have primary appointments in other ONPRC Divisions or Departments within the OHSU School of Medicine but include reproductive and developmental sciences as a major part of their research. While fostering the individuality of the investigator’s research, the overarching theme is the formation of interdisciplinary groups performing translational research on critical issues in women’s reproductive health. Division faculty members are also committed to training the next generation of reproductive and developmental scientists, particularly those who seek to improve human health by using clinically relevant NHP models.