Surgical After-Care Instructions
Bandage/wound care
- Keep your 'go-home' bandage on for 24 hours
- After the 24 hours, remove bandage and leave steri-strips in place
- Steri-strips generally stay on for a week at a time. They will fall off on their own or in the shower.
- As they fall off, replace them with new ones. Do this for the first four (4) weeks after healing, for best scar result
- You do not need to put an additional bandage over steri-strips
Activity level
- No strenuous activities for the first five to seven (5-7) days
- If wound is on arms, legs, or torso, avoid heavy lifting for first two (2) weeks
- OK to shower after your '24 hour bandage' is removed
- Steri-strips can get wet. Pat dry/air dry after shower
Pain management
- Extra Strength Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or Aleve can be taken as directed on the bottle or if pain medication was prescribed, take as directed
- Ice over pressure bandage for 10-15 minutes every hour while awake the first day of healing and as needed afterwards
- Pain is usually worst the first 24-28 hours after the procedure. If the above interventions do not work, combined with rest, please contact the clinic
- Spot bleeding is normal
- If bleeding through the pressure bandage on the first day, hold firm pressure over bandage for 20 minutes straight without letting up
- If this does not stop the bleeding, please contact the clinic
If you are experiencing increased pain after the first few days, redness, pus-like drainage or uncontrolled bleeding, please contact the clinic:
503-418-3376, After 5pm/Weekends: 503-494-9000
- No follow up is needed, unless any complications present
- OK to massage scar at one (1) month after procedure, when done using steri-strips
Results (if excision was performed)
If you have MyChart you will receive your results immediately when they are ready. This means you may receive your results before your provider has had the opportunity to review them. Your provider will contact you (via MyChart OR phone) if additional treatment and/or explanation are necessary. If you have not heard from us 7 days after receiving your results, and you have questions, please call 503-418-3376 and ask to speak with your provider’s team.
Bandage/wound care
- Keep 'go-home' bandage on for 24 hours
- After the 24 hours, remove bandage and wash gently with a mild soap and water. Then apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly along the suture line. Do this two to three (2-3) times throughout the day to keep moist and avoid scabbing/drying out
- Do not replace bandage, leave open to air unless in a dirty/dusty area.
Activity level
- No strenuous activities for the first five to seven (5-7) days
- If wound is on arms, legs, or torso, avoid heavy lifting for first two (2) weeks
- OK to shower after 24 hour bandage is removed
- Gently wash the wound, do not scrub
Pain management
- Extra Strength Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or Aleve can be taken as directed on the bottle or if pain medication was prescribed, take as directed
- Ice over pressure bandage for 10-15 minutes every hour while awake the first day of healing and as needed afterwards
Pain is usually worst the first 24-28 hours after the procedure. If the above interventions do not work, combined with rest, please contact the clinic
- Spot bleeding is normal
- If bleeding through the pressure bandage on the first day, hold firm pressure over bandage for 20 minutes straight without letting up
- If this does not stop the bleeding, please contact the clinic
If you are experiencing increased pain after the first few days, redness, pus-like drainage or uncontrolled bleeding, please contact the clinic:
503-418-3376, After 5pm/Weekends: 503-494-9000
Follow up
- If all are dissolving, clear sutures, no follow up is needed unless directed by provider
- Continue wound care until sutures are fully dissolved in 7-14 days, and then can discontinue. Can massage scar using firm pressure, 1 (one) month after the procedure
- If sutures need to be removed, follow up as directed by clinic
Results (If excision or biopsy was performed)
If you have MyChart you will receive your results immediately when they are ready. This means you may receive your results before your provider has had the opportunity to review them. Your provider will contact you (via MyChart OR phone) if additional treatment and/or explanation are necessary. If you have not heard from us 7 days after receiving your results, and you have questions, please call 503-418-3376 and ask to speak with your provider’s team.