Age Spots, Freckles and Other Pigmentation

Age spots, freckles and other pigmentation can present on the skin in many forms. Most commonly, as we age our skin begins to show the culmination of the sun’s damaging rays and ‘age spots’ appear. Like age spots, freckles are caused by sun exposure. In fact, most melasma (patchy or generalized pigmentation of the skin) is caused by sun damage. However, there is some pigmentation that has other causes, like the melasma experienced by pregnant women.
Today there are effective treatment options to improve the appearance of discoloration on your face, chest or backs of hands. The most common treatment option is something everyone can choose everyday – sun protection. Sun protection slows the development of sun damage, but to improve the appearance of sun damage already accumulated, we offer laser treatments.
In your consultation appointment, your goals and our analysis will combine to determine the treatment that is right for you. If laser treatment is your preferred treatment, 1-3 treatments will likely be necessary to achieve the results you want. The lasers most commonly used to remove pigmentation include:
- Fraxel Dual Laser
- Q-switched 532nm YAG Laser
- The Q-switched 1064nm YAG Laser