Leg and Spider Veins

Individualized treatment plans to reduce leg and spider veins
Visible spider veins and varicose veins on the legs are very common for both women and men. Most varicose and spider veins appear in the legs since leg veins have the toughest job of carrying blood back to the heart. Heredity, weight, gravity and weak vein valves all play a part in increasing a person’s chance of developing varicose or spider veins.
There isn't one perfect treatment for leg veins. Depending on the size, the treatment may vary. During your consultation, your provider will examine your veins and provide you with an appropriate treatment plan.
For most non-varicose veins, sclerotherapy (injection) is the most common treatment. At OHSU, we use only the safest sclerosing agents. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a liquid into the veins, which causes the vein walls to swell, stick together and seal shut. This stops the flow of blood, and the vein fades over time. While each individual responds in a different way, typically three treatment sessions are needed.
Surface laser treatments
Vascular laser can be a possible addition to sclerotherapy, especially for smaller spider veins that are clustered together. Not all skin types and colors can be safely treated with lasers. Your provider will let you know if treatment with the V-beam Vascular and Rejuvenation Laser will be a good option for you during your consultation.