Financial Help

Parents tell us...
"It's like a part time job trying to figure out how to pay for the things she needs. I get worn out."
"I don't know what's going to happen when we are unable to care for him ourselves. Will there be enough money for him to have what he needs?"
"I don't know where to start with insurance."
Health insurance
Navigating health insurance can seem overwhelming. There are people who can help.
Flexible Services for Oregon Health Plan (CCO members) possible funding for non-covered health related espenses
Medicine and prescriptions
Let your doctor and pharmacist if you are having trouble paying for medicine.
Needy-Meds for hundreds of prescription discounts and other benefits.
Oregon Prescription Drug Program (ArrayRx) for lower cost medications.
Help for miscellaneous medical expenses
Other resources for specific situations or conditions
Grant and funding source lists including a keyword searchable database. From Interactive Technology Assisting Autistic Little Kids (ITAALK). The lists are by condition and the database is searchable by keyword for your child's condition, need, or state.
For military families: Military Aid Society Offices for different branches. The Army Emergency Relief (AER) has a category for families with dependents who have special needs.
Getting child support while staying safe: Domestic Violence
Patient Services Incorporated: Specific genetic or complex disorders (Check their diagnosis list for eligibility)
Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
Oregon Health Authority's page on Early Periodic Screening and Treatment: As of January 1st. 2023 Oregon has joined other states in the nation in covering medically necessary treatments for Children and youth under age 21. EPSDT benefits for OHP members through age twenty. If a medical provider deems a treatment "medically necessary" then there is now a process for getting that treatment covered.
Medical transportation for OHP approved visits
Long-term financial planning
Home and vehicle modifications for safety and accessibility
Community Developmental Disabilities Programs
Centers for Independent Living
Low interest loans for home modifications and adaptive technology: NW Access fund
The Spina Bifida Association of Oregon and United Cerebral Palsy of Oregon share updated information about vehicle modifications.
Basic needs: Food, housing, clothing
Payment plans and financial assistance for medical bills
Hospitals and providers that take Medicaid offer financial assistance to families that make up to 400% of federal poverty limits. Discounts are available for self-pay procedures if you can pay your bill in one payment. If you cannot pay all at once, you can set up an interest-free payment plan. In addition, most hospitals have foundations that can assist patients.
If you need coaching on managing medical debt, contact DollarFor, which provides guidance on dealing with overwhelming medical expenses.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Some children under the age of 18 who experience disability qualify for monthly SSI payments, based on parent's income. Start by looking at these three information sheets:
What you should know before applying for SSI
Supplemental Security Income for children with disabilities.
Supplemental Security Income for children with disabilities Infographic
Child SSI disability starter kit
A critical part of the application is the child disability report. To speed up the process, start this ahead of time. You do want to be careful about your IEP goals and statements. They must be realistic and show that your child is unable to support themselves, otherwise your application will probably be denied.
Check the Compassionate Allowance List. Some health conditions are so severe that the Social Security Administration automatically assumes that children are eligible based on disability. They must still meet income guidelines, however.
This brochure Benefits for Children with Disabilities covers a variety of situations.
Applying for SSI is a complex process and having someone familiar with it can help you avoid mistakes. If you need assistance finding someone to help, Contact your local Social Security office or call the OR F2F HIC at 855-323-6744
What You Need to Know About Your SSI When you Turn 18 If you youth is 16 or 17
Apply for disability when you turn 18. You will use the adult forms.
Qualifying for Benefit Continuation After you Turn 18. If you plan to continue school or join certain job programs.
Scholarships and advanced education
Scholarships and supports are available.
Tried all of these? Confused by all the options? Contact us:
855-323-6744 (English)
833-990-9930 (Spanish)
Paying for conferences and trainings
Getting to the Conference Attending conferences and trainings is a good way to learn more about caring for your child, and may provide much needed support in overcoming challenges.
If your child receives Community Developmental Disability Services you can ask your case manager to add classes, trainings, or conferences to your child's Individual Service Plan.
Aging and Disability Resource Connection provides some conference scholarships for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.
Contact us:
- 855-323-6744 (English)
- 833-990-9930 (Spanish)
Inclusion of these resources on our website does not mean endorsement. Exclusion from our website does not mean we don't think it is valuable. We do our best to keep these links up to date and relevant. Please let us know if any links are broken.
If you have any questions call or email us tel. 855-323-6744 (English) o 833-990-9930 (español)