Education Resources: Ages 6-12

close up of a girl filling out a workbook

Parents tell us...

"I have had to learn how to advocate for my daughter and learn how to talk to the school to get her what she needs.  Sometimes it feels like a new language. Luckily, the teachers want her to succeed too."

"Because he is quiet, teachers sometimes forget him, I have to speak up or he will be ignored." 

"My first IEP meeting was insane!  I had no idea there would be so many people there."

Special health needs and school

Your child may need help to succeed in school. If so, there are many people who can help you understand how special education works in Oregon. Parents of children in special education recommend that you learn about the rights your child has. You may also need to learn about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for school-age children and youth up to age 22, or 504 Plans, which provide educational rights for students with certain health conditions.

This Parent Educator Resource Guide regarding 504's  from the National Department of Education may be helpful.

Public School

All of Oregon's public school districts have a process for evaluating students for special education. If you have concerns, talk to your child's teacher and write a letter or email to your local school district.  Ask them to test your child. Students with medical conditions, like diabetes or asthma may need extra support in order to attend school. Request in writing that the school work with you to create a 504 plan.  You can also request a functional behavioral assessment if your child is being sent to the office or you are being called to pick them up frequently because of behaviors.

Communicating Well with Your School toolkit can help you get started.

This toolkit is also available in other languages

Educational options

Most of our kids attend the neighborhood school along with their peers.  But sometimes a different setting is needed.  Below is information about some options:

Special education services for military families

Information on private schools and special education

Home schooling and special education in Oregon

Public charter and virtual schools in Oregon

Oregon School for the Deaf

Oregon Deafblind Project

Shortened school days

Schools can only shorten your child's day under special circumstances.  Oregon law now requires informed consent of parents before students are placed on a shortened school day.

Abbreviated School Day law SB 819

Disability Rights Oregon: Short School Days toolkit.

Special education grievances

Disability Rights Oregon and FACT Oregon: Guide to Special Education in Oregon

Oregon Department of Education: Filing education grievances

Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education: CADRE family resources

Twice-exceptional (intellectually gifted students experiencing a disability)

Many students who are twice-exceptional have a delayed identification. Their disability might be hidden by their intelligence, or their disability could hide their giftedness. Many love to learn, but are not fond of school.

Oregon Department of Education: FAQs about Talented and Gifted Education

Sen  Is My Child Gifted? Checklist

Davidson  Articles on intellectually gifted students who experience a disability

Boy lying on his stomach reading with his dog leaning on him


Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.

Contact Us 855-323-6744 (English) 503-931-8930 (Spanish)