Should I Go to the ER?
Learn about the range of care options at OHSU

When you or your loved one is injured or doesn’t feel well, you may wonder whether to go to the emergency room or get care elsewhere.
Emergency care at OHSU includes:
To help make sure emergency rooms are available to people who need them most, here’s a guide to when and where to get care for common injuries, illnesses and symptoms.
I need care now and don’t feel safe waiting
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if you or your loved one has:
- Signs of a possible heart attack: pain in the chest, stomach, back, neck, jaw and/or arms
- Trouble breathing
- Signs of a possible stroke: sudden loss of balance, blurry vision, droopy or numb face, weak arm, slurred speech
- Bleeding that won’t stop
- Fever in an adult that:
- Is 103 degrees or higher
- Lasts more than three days
- Severe burns
- Head injury, especially with loss of consciousness
- Seizures
- Any other immediate threat to life or health
Babies and children need emergency care if:
- The inside of the mouth is blue
- Their breathing is extremely labored (see "How hard is your baby breathing? What to look for")
- They haven't urinated in eight hours or aren't taking in or holding down fluids
- They are severely lethargic and you are struggling to wake them
I’m worried about poisoning
Call Poison Control at 800-222-1222.
I need care today and can wait a few hours
Get same-day immediate care (also called urgent care) if you or your loved one has:
- Sore throat
- Fever
- Cold or flu symptoms
- Minor injuries
- Minor aches and pains
- Any other health issue that needs quick attention
Learn about:
I need advice after-hours
Nurse advice lines: Talk with a registered nurse who can decide what kind of care you need.
- Through insurance: Many private insurance and Medicare Advantage plans offer nurse advice lines.
- Oregon Health Plan: If you are a Fee For Service member, you can call the 24-hour nurse advice line at 800-562-4620.
- OHSU patients: If you are a patient at an OHSU primary care clinic, call your clinic’s advice line.
- Multnomah County: Call the Health Department’s advice line at 503-988-5558, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and any time from 5:30 p.m. Friday through 7:30 a.m. Monday.
I need care and can wait a day or more
Make a primary care appointment for:
- Regular tests and screenings
- Vaccinations
- Wellness visits
- New symptoms
- Chronic illness or condition
- Mental health concerns
- Family planning
- Medication needs