Oregon Behavioral Health Coordination Center

The Oregon Behavioral Health Coordination Center (OBCC) works with providers and health care centers. We help find beds for pediatric and adult patients at acute and residential behavioral health and substance use disorder facilities in Oregon.
If you can’t place a patient in your region or through usual referral pathways, call us at 844-440-6222. We are available weekdays, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
What is the Oregon Behavioral Health Coordination Center?
The Oregon Behavioral Health Coordination Center is state-funded and collaborates with behavioral health care providers and community partners. OHSU provides the staff and tracks the data.
The OBCC’s goals are to:
- Improve equitable access to behavioral health care
- Reduce work for Oregon behavioral health practitioners
- Coordinate patient movement in a unified and efficient way
What to expect
When you call OBCC, you’ll talk with a trained coordinator. We’ll ask for:
- Patient name
- Patient date of birth
- Patient insurance information
- Diagnosis
- Reason for transfer
- Which Oregon facilities you’ve tried to transfer to
We do not:
- Transfer patients
- Determine final placement
- Coordinate transportation
- Handle prior authorization
We use real-time data to find placement options. Our goal is to keep the patient close to their community and home.