Pediatric Residency Program


Welcome to the Pediatric Residency Training Program at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)/Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland. We are excited that you are considering us for your residency training.
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital is a busy tertiary care center that serves as the primary referral center for Oregon, Southwest Washington, and parts of Idaho, Alaska, and Northern California. Our institution and our program are committed to cultivating a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion. Our pediatric residents experience a breadth and depth of clinical care for a high volume of diverse general pediatric and subspecialty patients.
The medium size of the program allows our faculty to know residents well. Faculty work with residents repeatedly over time and encourage resident autonomy. Program leaders work closely with residents, individualizing curriculum to meet their unique learning goals.
Our residents are life-long learners committed to advancing the health of children. Residents engage in scholarly activities in quality improvement, child advocacy, global health and research.
OHSU residents and faculty take joy in work and in play. We love our jobs as pediatricians and love our time exploring Portland and the Pacific Northwest.
We hope this website will give you a give you a glimpse into our residency program family, the curriculum, our city, and details about our interview day. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this our training program. We hope to meet you soon!
With gratitude,
Megan Aylor, M.D.
Program Director
Mission statement
The mission of the OHSU Pediatric Residency Training Program is to develop exceptional pediatricians with the knowledge and skills to pursue their desired future as a generalist or subspecialist, in an academic or community setting.

To accomplish our mission, the residency program leadership and residents have worked together to create the principles and beliefs that form the core of our residency culture. These values govern the manner in which we do all business and will not be compromised.
Education in a diverse, inclusive, and safe learning environment: We aim to be a program diverse in people and ideas, striving to promote collaboration and cultural humility. To learn more about our diversity initiatives visit: Pediatric Residency Diversity and Inclusion.
Leadership and graduated autonomy: Residents and residency leadership engage and embrace leadership roles throughout the University and beyond in regards to patient care, program development, and overall system change. We train residents to be independent decision makers and become leaders in the field of pediatrics. Some of our structured activities are included here: Pediatric Residency Training.
Physician wellness and residency community: The residency program is a second home for our trainees. We create an environment for residents to feel a sense of family and community, and we support residents and their families in maintaining their own personal health and well-being. Some initiatives to encourage resident wellness can be found: Life in Residency.
Collegiality and approachability: We are committed to a training environment that promotes collegiality and approachability among faculty and residents to allow for trust building among all. Resident opinions and decisions are expected and valued amongst the teams in both the patient care and conference environments. Some of our structured activities are included here: Pediatric Residency Training.
Advocacy: Advocacy for children, young adults, and families is cornerstone to pediatric practice. We strive to reduce health care disparities by preparing residents to advocate for these groups locally, regionally and nationally. To learn more about our advocacy initiatives, visit: Pediatric Residency Advocacy & Community Health.
Lifelong learning and discovery: We strive to advance our understanding of pediatric health through research and innovation. To learn more about scholarship within our program, visit: Pediatric Residency Scholarship.
Please see the OHSU GME page for Employment and Benefits information, including salary, vacation and sick leave, retirement plans, transportation, and insurance. OHSU residents and fellows are part of House Officers United, represented by AFSCME, which is a bargaining unit comprised of more than 850 clinicians completing their medical training at OHSU as residents, fellows and interns.
In addition to GME benefits, residents enjoy a number of other benefits:
- Professional development funds: Local grant funding opportunities are available to support trainee research. Travel funds support residents who present research at national conferences.
- Educational resources: OHSU has a robust library with online and print materials. AAP membership is paid for each year of training and includes access to Pedialink board study materials. PALS and NRP certification and recertification are covered, as is the Yale Continuity Curriculum and Keystones of Development Curricula.
- Annual Resident Retreat: All three residency classes and program leadership gather annually on the Oregon Coast for a two-day retreat aimed at personal and professional development, program improvement, and bonding over campfires and lip sync battles.
- Additional meals and perks: In addition to meals provided by GME funds, lunch is provided at some noon conferences, and snacks are supplied in the resident lounge. Oregon medical license fees are paid for by the Department of Pediatrics. Employee discounts for OHSU are available at various local businesses (including periodic access to Nike and Columbia employee stores).
For more information or if you have any questions, please email us at: