Wrinkles and fine lines

A woman touching her clear skin

We offer many treatments for reducing wrinkles and fine lines that range from no down time to options that may require more planning. During your consultation, your provider will review the options that will provide you the best solution to achieve your goals.

Laser treatments

The Fraxel Dual Laser improves fine lines and wrinkles and removes brown pigmentation from sun damage. Fraxel can be done yearly to maintain your result and keep your skin looking youthful.

Before the laser we will apply numbing cream in place for 30 minutes, for your comfort. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment to allow time for application of the cream. For optimal clearance of brown spots, usually 2-3 treatments are needed. For improvement of wrinkles, usually 3-5 treatments are needed with sessions spaced 1 month apart. Each appointment will take approximately 45 minutes.

After Care:
After the laser there is pinkness and puffiness that can last for 2-5 days. There is some mild flaking of the skin after about 3-7 days. Overall this resembles a sunburn and can be covered with makeup. Ice packs help with swelling.

You can wash your face with water but don’t use any harsh cleaners. It is fine to use a normal moisturizer or sunscreen during the healing period. Do not apply any topical medications (such as Retin-A) until you are fully healed from the laser. If you have ever had cold sores and we are going to be treating near the lip area, please notify us so that we can prescribe you a cold sore medication.

The INFINI laser is used to improve skin texture and tighten skin, treating wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks. After about one month, the tightening effects are visible once your body starts to make new collagen. The collagen continues to renew and tighten for several months. For optimal result, a course of 3 treatments is recommended and are done at least 1 month apart.

Numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 30 to 60 minutes, per patient preference. After the first few hours there may be tiny pinpoint bleeding in a few areas. If you are on aspirin or other blood thinners, these may be continued but may result in slightly more bleeding. Each appointment will take approximately 60-90 minutes.

After Care:
After your procedure, ice packs for 10 to 15 minutes each hour will help with swelling. You can wash the treated area with water. If you would like to use a moisturizer, plain Vaseline or aquaphor is best.

This laser procedure can improve the appearance of wrinkles and removed unwanted skin discoloration that happens as you age. It works by uses beams of light to penetrate the surface of the skin and the body’s natural healing process to produce collagen. The result is skin that is not acne scarred or sun damaged, thus improves your youthful appearance.

Before Care:
You will be prescribed an antibiotic and a medication for cold sore prevention that you start the day before the procedure and continue for 5-7 days after the laser. At the pharmacy also purchase Cetaphil cleanser and lotion. We will provide you with the plastibase ointment and gauze pads that you will use after the laser treatment.

We ask you to arrive 1 hour before your appointment to allow time for “before” pictures and numbing of the area. We utilize a combination of numbing cream and injections to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Valium is available for those of you that may benefit from it but you MUST have a driver to take you home. We use two lasers, a ‘Deep’ and ‘Active’ Fx, which are done at the same visit. This appointment will take approximately 90 minutes.


Botox® Cosmetic and Dysport® are prescription medications that can be very effective in minimizing the appearance of isolated wrinkles such as those on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and adjacent to the eyes (crow's feet). The medicine is administered through injection as a simple, nonsurgical way to minimize wrinkles by blocking the nerve impulses that cause muscles to contract. 

Read more about Botox/Dysport 

Injectable fillers

Restylane®, Radiesse®, Juvederm® and Sculptra® are injectable dermal fillers that can restore youthful fullness to your face, lips, and contours, or soften facial creases and wrinkles. Although they can't help with excess sagging skin, these soft tissue fillers can add more volume and provide immediate results. While these treatments aren't permanent, and must be repeated and maintained, there are options that can last up to two years.

Read more about Injectable Fillers.