Vascular Surgery Research
Cherrie Abraham, M.D.

Title: Professor of Surgery; Director, KCVI Aortic Program
Research Focus: Aortic Surgery, Endovascular Surgery, Vascular Surgery. I am eager to explore device clinical trials focused on aortic aneurysms and dissections, as these innovations have the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes. Participating in these trials could provide valuable insights into advanced treatment options and their effectiveness in managing these serious conditions.
Current projects:
Select publications:
- Fuson OI, Hirai K, Halleran DR, Jafri M, Muralidaran A, Azarbal A, Abraham CZ, Shalhub S. Open repair of a ruptured abdominal aorta with an aortoiliac vein fistula in a 7-month-old infant and review of the literature. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2024 Feb 1;10(2):101441. doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2024.101441. PMID: 38464889; PMCID: PMC10921241.
- Doonan RJ, Bin-Ayeed S, Charbonneau P, Hongku K, Obrand D, Mackenzie K, Steinmetz O, Bayne J, Girsowicz E, Abraham C, Gill H. Low Psoas Muscle Area is Associated with Increased Mortality and Spinal Cord Injury After Complex Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Ann Vasc Surg. 2022 Nov;87:430-436. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2022.05.037. Epub 2022 Jun 28. PMID: 35772667.
- Carlson EJ, Rushkin M, Darby D, Chau T, Shirley RL, King JS, Nguyen K, Landry GJ, Moneta GL, Abraham C, Sakai LY, Azarbal AF. Circulating fibrillin fragment concentrations in patients with and without aortic pathology. JVS Vasc Sci. 2022 Oct 13;3:389-402. doi: 10.1016/j.jvssci.2022.09.001. PMID: 36568280; PMCID: PMC9772837.
- Dorval JF, Marquis-Gravel G, Demers P, Cartier R, Abraham C. Thoracic Aortic Diseases: What the Practicing Cardiologist Needs to Know. Can J Cardiol. 2022 Oct;38(10 Suppl1):S99-S101. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2022.01.002. Epub 2022 Jan 10. PMID: 35026415.
- Doonan RJ, Bin-Ayeed S, Charbonneau P, Hongku K, Mackenzie K, Steinmetz O, Bayne J, Abraham C, Obrand D, Girsowicz E, Gill HL. Mortality and Major Adverse Events Improve With Increased Institutional Experience for Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aortic Repair. J Endovasc Ther. 2022 Oct;29(5):746-754. doi: 10.1177/15266028211064813. Epub 2021 Dec 27. PMID: 34955066.
Scott Boynton, D.P.M.

Title: Assistant Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Vascular Surgery, Podiatry, Limb Salvage, Utilize placental biograph, Major and Partial foot amputations, follow up, outcomes and complications. I am keen to participate in industry-sponsored research utilizing placental biograph to evaluate outcomes and complications following major and partial foot amputations. This study could offer critical insights into the efficacy of novel approaches in post-operative care and long-term recovery for affected patients.
Current projects:
Select publications:
- Twichell S, Ashoor I, Boynton S, Dharnidharka V, Kizilbash S, Erez DL, Smith J; NAPRTCS Investigators. COVID-19 disease among children and young adults enrolled in the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies registry. Pediatr Nephrol. 2024 May;39(5):1459-1468. doi: 10.1007/s00467-023-06241-0. Epub 2023 Dec 11. PMID: 38082091.
- Pantoja JL, Ali F, Baril DT, Farley SM, Boynton S, Finn JP, Hu P, Lawrence PF. Arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging quantifies tissue perfusion around foot ulcers. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2022 Oct 3;8(4):817-824. doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2022.09.015. PMID: 36510629; PMCID: PMC9735268.
- Molino AR, Minnick MLG, Jerry-Fluker J, Karita Muiru J, Boynton SA, Furth SL, Warady BA, Ng DK; Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study. Health and Dental Insurance and Health Care Utilization Among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With CKD: Findings From the CKiD Cohort Study. Kidney Med. 2022 Mar 25;4(5):100455. doi: 10.1016/j.xkme.2022.100455. PMID: 35518833; PMCID: PMC9062328.
- Boynton SA, Matheson MB, Ng DK, Hidalgo G, Warady BA, Furth SL, Atkinson MA. The Relationship Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Kidney Disease Progression in the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Cohort. Am J Kidney Dis. 2022 Aug;80(2):207-214. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.12.008. Epub 2022 Jan 25. PMID: 35085688; PMCID: PMC9309183.
- Pantoja JL, Ali F, Baril DT, Farley SM, Boynton S, Finn JP, Hu P, Lawrence PF. Arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging quantifies tissue perfusion around foot ulcers. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2022 Oct 3;8(4):817-824. doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2022.09.015. PMID: 36510629; PMCID: PMC9735268.
Leo Daab, M.D., R.P.V.I.

Title: Assistant Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Aortic and peripheral vascular clinical trials and vascular compressive syndrome median arcuate ligament syndrome. I am particularly interested in research focused on aortic and peripheral vascular clinical trials, especially in the context of vascular compressive syndromes like median arcuate ligament syndrome. Investigating these conditions could lead to innovative treatment strategies and improved patient outcomes in vascular health.
Current projects:
Select publications:
- Daab LJ, Cook P, Woo K, Hye R, Paluch T, Plecha E. Management of a catecholamine-secreting paraganglioma requiring aortic reconstruction. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2010 Feb;44(2):150-4. doi: 10.1177/1538574409351991. Epub 2009 Dec 23. PMID: 20034938.
- Simon TE, Walker PF, Daab LJ, White JM, White PW. A quality improvement project to improve inferior vena cava filter retrieval. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2017 Jan;5(1):42-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2016.09.004. Epub 2016 Nov 9. PMID: 27987608.
- Smolevitz J, Daab L, Liem T, Politano A. Hybrid Repair of an Iatrogenic Left Subclavian Artery Injury: A Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020 Aug;67:563.e7-563.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2020.03.025. Epub 2020 Mar 28. PMID: 32234396.
- Lallemand MS, Moe DM, McClellan JM, Smith JP, Daab L, Marko S, Tran N, Starnes B, Martin MJ. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta for major abdominal venous injury in a porcine hemorrhagic shock model. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Aug;83(2):230-236. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001548. PMID: 28459798.
- Andersen CA, Daab LJ, Le TD, Green DM, Tyminski RL, Ponticello M, Marmolejo V. Treatment of Nonreconstructable Critical Limb Ischemia With Ischemic Wounds Utilizing a Noninvasive Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Device Monitored With Fluorescence Angiography. Wounds. 2018 Jul;30(7):191-196. PMID: 30059338.
Matthew Koopmann, M.D., R.P.V.I.

Title: Associate Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Clinical trials in vascular surgery; ERAS in vascular surgery
Current projects:
- NIH CREST-2: Carotid Revascularization and Medical Management for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Trial
- VA CSP 2001: Investigation of Rifampin to Reduce Pedal Amputations for Osteomyelitis in Diabetics
- VA CSP 2002: Investigation of Metformin in Pre-Diabetes on Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Outcomes (VA-IMPACT)
- Post-Approval Study of the TREO Abdominal Stent-Graft System in Patients with Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic and Aorto-iliac Aneurysms
- JAGUAR Trial: ObJective Analysis to GaUge EVAR Outcomes Through Randomization
- Feasibility of same day discharge for EVAR and open arterial reconstructions
- Outcomes of myodesis after above knee amputation
- Clopidogrel-resistance testing in TCAR
Select publications:
- Samantha Durbin, MD, Amir Azarbal, MD, Enjae Jung, MD, Harish Krishnamoorthi, MD, Khanh Nguyen, MD, Matthew Koopmann, MD. Same Day Discharge After Elective Open Arterial Surgery. JVS-Vascular Insights. In-press.
- Farber A, Menard MT, Conte MS, Kaufman JA, Powell RJ, Choudhry NK, Hamza TH, Assmann SF, Creager MA, Cziraky MJ, Dake MD, Jaff MR, Reid D, Siami FS, Sopko G, White CJ, van Over M, Strong MB, Villarreal MF, McKean M, Azene E, Azarbal A, Barleben A, Chew DK, Clavijo LC, Douville Y, Findeiss L, Garg N, Gasper W, Giles KA, Goodney PP, Hawkins BM, Herman CR, Kalish JA, Koopmann MC, Laskowski IA, Mena-Hurtado C, Motaganahalli R, Rowe VL, Schanzer A, Schneider PA, Siracuse JJ, Venermo M, Rosenfield K; BEST-CLI Investigators. Surgery or Endovascular Therapy for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia. N Engl J Med. 2022 Dec 22;387(25):2305-2316.
- Khoynezhad A, Donayre CE, Walot I, Koopmann MC, Kopchok GE, White RA. Feasibility of endovascular repair of ascending aortic pathologies as part of an FDA-approved physician-sponsored investigational device exemption. J Vasc Surg. 2016 Jun;63(6):1483-95.
- Koopmann MC, Yamane BH, Starling JR. Long-term Follow-up After Meshectomy with Acellular Human Dermis Repair for Post-herniorrhaphy Inguinodynia. Archives of Surgery 2011 Apr;146(4):427-31.
- Koopmann MC, Szotkowski M, Kudsk KA. A Hospital-wide Protocol for Small-bore Nasoenteric Tube Placement in Adults Using an Electromagnetic Tube Placement Device Improves Outcomes and Reduces Complications. Annals of Surgery 2011 Feb;253(2):287-302
Timothy Liem, M.D., M.B.A.

Title: Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Surgical quality and safety, Hypercoagulable conditions, complications of spine exposure and venous thromboembolic disease. I am deeply interested in researching surgical quality and safety, particularly regarding hypercoagulable conditions and their impact on complications related to spine exposure. Understanding the relationship between these factors and venous thromboembolic disease could enhance patient outcomes and inform better surgical practices.
Current projects:
Select publications:
- Mahoney RC, DeLoughery TG, Jung E, Shalhub S, Liem TK. Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) in the DOAC Era. Ann Vasc Surg. 2024 Jun 26:S0890-5096(24)00281-4. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2024.05.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38942369.
- Wong LL, Borda LJ, Liem T, Keller JJ, Ortega-Loayza AG, Jung E. Atypical Pyoderma Gangrenosum in the Setting of Venous and Arterial Insufficiency. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2023 Jun;22(2):418-422. doi: 10.1177/15347346211002334. Epub 2021 Apr 29. PMID: 33913352.
- Smolevitz J, Daab L, Liem T, Politano A. Hybrid Repair of an Iatrogenic Left Subclavian Artery Injury: A Case Report. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020 Aug;67:563.e7-563.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2020.03.025. Epub 2020 Mar 28. PMID: 32234396.
- Van Leuven SM, Mertzel ML, Ferdosian S, Samuel RJ, Landry GJ, Liem TK, Moneta GL, Nguyen KP. Improving follow-up of incomplete lower extremity venous duplex ultrasound examinations performed for deep and superficial vein thromboses. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2021 Nov;9(6):1460-1466. doi: 10.1016/j.jvsv.2021.01.014. Epub 2021 Feb 3. PMID: 33548555.
- Esmonde NO, Heston AL, Morrison T, Rogers E, Liem T, Amling C, Dugi DD 3rd, Hansen J, Berli JU. Providing Gender Confirmation Surgery at an Academic Medical Center: Analysis of Use, Insurance Payer, and Fiscal Impact. J Am Coll Surg. 2019 Nov;229(5):479-486. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2019.07.002. Epub 2019 Jul 18. PMID: 31326537.
Gregory Moneta, M.D.

Title: Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Non invasive vascular laboratory
Current projects:
- Resolution of pediatric upper extremity DVT
- Tibial Artery hemodynamics
- Quantifying the Discrepancy Between ABI and Extent of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Select publications:
- Repella TL, Lopez O, Abraham CZ, Azarbal AF, Liem TK, Mitchell EL, Landry GJ, Moneta GL, Jung E. Characterization of profunda femoris vein thrombosis. J Vasc Surg Venous and Lym Dis 2018; 6:585-591.
- Wilson DG, Harris SK, Barton C, Crawford JD, Azarbal AF, Jung E, Mitchell EL, Landry GJ, Moneta GL. Tibial artery duplex ultrasound peak systolic velocities may be an objective performance measure after above-knee endovascular therapy for arterial stenosis. J Vasc Surg 2018; 68:481-6.
- Kronick MD, Chopra A, Swamy S, Brar V, Jung E, Abraham CZ, Liem TK, Landry GJ, Moneta GL. Peak systolic velocity and color aliasing are important in development of duplex ultrasound criteria for external carotid artery stenosis. J Vasc Surg 2020; 72:951-57.
- Warner D, Summers S, Repella T, Landry GJ, Moneta GL. Duplex ultrasound and clinical outcomes of pediatric lower extremity arterial thrombosis. J Vasc Surg 2022;76;830-6.
- Nguyen K, Weber J, Samuel R, Moneta GL. Prospective study comparing the rate of deep venous thrombosis of complete and incomplete lower extremity venous duplex ultrasound examinations. J Vasc Surg: Venous and Lym Dis 2019; 7: 882-8.
Khanh Nguyen, M.D., M.C.R.

Title: Associate Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: My primary research interests are to elucidate the basic mechanisms of vascular diseases, thrombosis, anticoagulation and vascular inflammation in order to further our fundamental understanding of diseases and contribute to knowledge base to translate findings to improve human health, particularly patients with vascular diseases.
Current projects:
The Nguyen Lab is conducting clinical trials studying vascular diseases such as deep vein and superficial vein thrombosis, venous diseases, post thrombotic syndrome, COVID-19 associated coagulopathy, wound healing, and peripheral arterial disease in addition to basic science studies investigating novel anticoagulants, venous thrombosis resolution, venous stenting and injury.
Select publications:
- Jordan KR, Wyatt CR, Fallon ME, Woltjer R, Neuwelt EA, Cheng Q, Gailani D, Lorentz C, Tucker EI, McCarty OJT, Hinds MT, Nguyen KP. Model Pharmacological reduction of coagulation factor XI reduces macrophage accumulation and accelerates deep vein thrombosis resolution in a mouse model of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2022 Sep;20(9):2035-2045.
- Nguyen KP, Hinds MT, Anderson DEJ. Vascular Graft Implantation Using a Bilateral End-to-Side Aortoiliac Preclinical Model. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2375:203-215.
- Van Leuven SM, Mertzel ML, Ferdosian S, Samuel RJ, Landry GJ, Liem TK, Moneta GL, and Nguyen KP. Venous Conduits Have Superior Patency Compared with Prosthetic Grafts for Femorofemoral Bypass. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2021 Nov;9(6):1460-1466.
- Mukhopadhyay S, Antalis TM, Nguyen KP, Hoofnagle MH, Sarkar R. Myeloid p53 regulates macrophage polarization and venous thrombus resolution by inflammatory vascular remodeling in mice. Blood. 2017 Jun 15;129(24):3245-3255.
- Nguyen KP, McGilvray KC, Puttlitz CM, Mukhopadhyay S, Chabasse C, Sarkar R. Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) Regulates Vein Wall Biomechanics in Murine Thrombus Resolution. Plos One. 2015 Sep 25;10(9):e0139145.
Rhusheet Patel, M.D., M.S.

Title: Assistant Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: Vascular surgery and limb salvage. Dr. Patel participates in both industry sponsored and investigator initiated clinical research. He has a particular interest in patients with peripheral arterial disease as well as barriers to care. Beyond quantitative outcomes research, he is also interested in the patient perspective and how this may affect shared surgical decision making. Dr. Patel is the author of several peer-reviewed journal articles as well as multiple book chapters. He is a member of the Society of Vascular Surgery, Society of Clinical Vascular Surgery, Vascular and Endovascular Surgical Society, American Limb Preservation Society, and the Pacific Northwest Vascular Society.
Current projects:
- Outcomes of pedal bypass
- Lipoprotien(a) and its effect on limb salvage interventions
Select publications:
- Mandelbaum AD, Hadaya J, Ulloa JG, Patel R, McCallum JC, De Virgilio C, Benharash P. Impact of Frailty on Clinical Outcomes after Carotid Artery Revascularization. Ann Vasc Surg. 2021 Jul;74:111-121.
- Janko M, Hubbard G, Woo K, Kashyap VS, Mitchell M, Murugesan A, Chen L, Gardner R, Baril D, Hacker RI, Szeberin Z, ElSayed R, Magee GA, Motta F, Zhou W, Lemmon G, Coleman D, Behrendt CA, Aziz F, Black JH, Tran K, Dao A, Shutze W, Garrett HE, De Caridi G, Patel R, Liapis CD, Geroulakos G, Kakisis J, Moulakakis K, Kakkos SK, Obara H, Wang G, Stoecker J, Rhéaume P, Davila V, Ravin R, DeMartino R, Milner R, Shalhub S, Jim J, Lee J, Dubuis C, Ricco JB, Coselli J, Lemaire S, Fatima J, Sanford J, Yoshida W, Schermerhorn ML, Menard M, Belkin M, Blackwood S, Conrad M, Wang L, Crofts S, Nixon T, Wu T, Chiesa R, Bose S, Turner J, Moore R, Smith J, Irshad A, Hsu J, Czerny M, Cullen J, Kahlberg A, Setacci C, Joh JH, Senneville E, Garrido P, Sarac TP, Rizzo A, Go MR, Bjorck M, Gavali H, Wanhainen A, D'Oria M, Lepidi S, Mastrorilli D, Veraldi G, Piazza M, Squizzato F, Beck A, St John R, Wishy A, Humphries M, Shah SK, Back M, Chung J, Lawrence PF, Bath J, Smeds MR. Contemporary Outcomes After Partial Resection of Infected Aortic Grafts. Ann Vasc Surg. 2021 Oct;76:202-210.
- Patel R, Hanish S, Baril D, Woo K, Lawrence P. Contemporary management of lower extremity venous aneurysms. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2019 Nov;7(6):860-864.
- Pantoja JL, Patel RP, Baril DT, Quinones-Baldrich W, Lawrence PF, Woo K. Caval Reconstruction with Undersized Ringed Graft after Resection of Inferior Vena Cava Leiomyosarcoma. Ann Vasc Surg. 2020 May;65:25-32.
- Ulloa JG, Gelabert HA, O'Connell JB, Patel R, Rigberg DA. Intravascular ultrasonography provides more sensitive detection of subclavian vein stenosis than venography in patients presenting with Paget-Schroetter syndrome. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2021 Sep;9(5):1145-1150.e1.
Amani Politano, M.D., M.S.

Title: Associate Professor of Surgery; Vascular Surgery Quality Medical Director
Research Focus: Vascular lab, surgical infections and patient outcomes in vascular disease. I am interested in exploring the role of the vascular lab in diagnosing and managing surgical infections, as these can significantly impact patient outcomes in vascular disease. By studying these correlations, we can identify strategies to improve surgical interventions and enhance overall patient care.
Current projects:
Select publications:
- Lutz K, Asturias KM, Garg J, Poudyal A, Lantz G, Golwala H, Doberne J, Politano A, Song HK, Zahr F. Alternative Access for TAVR: Choosing the Right Pathway. J Clin Med. 2024 Jun 9;13(12):3386. doi: 10.3390/jcm13123386. PMID: 38929915; PMCID: PMC11203974.
- Bath J, D'Oria M, Rogers RT, Colglazier JJ, Braet DJ, Coleman DM, Scali ST, Back MR, Magee GA, Plotkin A, Dueppers P, Zimmermann A, Afifi RO, Khan S, Zarkowsky D, Dyba G, Soult MC, Mani K, Wanhainen A, Setacci C, Lenti M, Kabbani LS, Weaver MR, Bissacco D, Trimarchi S, Stoecker JB, Wang GJ, Szeberin Z, Pomozi E, Moffatt C, Gelabert HA, Tish S, Hoel AW, Cortolillo NS, Spangler EL, Passman MA, De Caridi G, Benedetto F, Zhou W, Abuhakmeh Y, Newton DH, Liu CM, Tinelli G, Tshomba Y, Katoh A, Siada SS, Khashram M, Gormley S, Mullins JR, Schmittling ZC, Maldonado TS, Politano AD, Rynio P, Kazimierczak A, Gombert A, Jalaie H, Spath P, Gallitto E, Czerny M, Berger T, Davies MG, Stilo F, Montelione N, Mezzetto L, Veraldi GF, Lepidi S, Lawrence P, Woo K. Contemporary outcomes after treatment of aberrant subclavian artery and Kommerell's diverticulum. J Vasc Surg. 2023 May;77(5):1339-1348.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2023.01.014. Epub 2023 Jan 16. PMID: 36657501.
- Moffatt C, Bath J, Rogers RT, Colglazier JJ, Braet DJ, Coleman DM, Scali ST, Back MR, Magee GA, Plotkin A, Dueppers P, Zimmermann A, Afifi RO, Khan S, Zarkowsky D, Dyba G, Soult MC, Mani K, Wanhainen A, Setacci C, Lenti M, Kabbani LS, Weaver MR, Bissacco D, Trimarchi S, Stoecker JB, Wang GJ, Szeberin Z, Pomozi E, Gelabert HA, Tish S, Hoel AW, Cortolillo NS, Spangler EL, Passman MA, De Caridi G, Benedetto F, Zhou W, Abuhakmeh Y, Newton DH, Liu CM, Tinelli G, Tshomba Y, Katoh A, Siada SS, Khashram M, Gormley S, Mullins JR, Schmittling ZC, Maldonado TS, Politano AD, Rynio P, Kazimierczak A, Gombert A, Jalaie H, Spath P, Gallitto E, Czerny M, Berger T, Davies MG, Stilo F, Montelione N, Mezzetto L, Veraldi GF, D'Oria M, Lepidi S, Lawrence P, Woo K. International Multi-Institutional Experience with Presentation and Management of Aortic Arch Laterality in Aberrant Subclavian Artery and Kommerell's Diverticulum. Ann Vasc Surg. 2023 Sep;95:23-31. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2023.05.005. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37236537.
- Sutton TL, Sandoval V, Warner D, Moneta G, Gilbert E, Mayo SC, Politano AD, Maynard E, Sheppard BC, Enestvedt CK. Patency for autologous vein is superior to cadaveric vein in portal-mesenteric venous reconstruction. HPB (Oxford). 2022 Aug;24(8):1326-1334. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2022.01.004. Epub 2022 Jan 22. PMID: 35135725.
- Scierka LE, Mena-Hurtado C, Shishehbor MH, Spertus JA, Nagpal S, Babrowski T, Bunte MC, Politano A, Humphries M, Chung J, Kirksey L, Alabi O, Soukas P, Parikh S, Faizer R, Fitridge R, Provance J, Romain G, McMillan N, Stone N, Scott K, Fuss C, Pacheco CM, Gosch K, Harper-Brooks A, Smolderen KG; SCOPE-CLI Academic Research Consortium. The shifting care and outcomes for patients with endangered limbs - Critical limb ischemia (SCOPE-CLI) registry overview of study design and rationale. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2022 Feb 12;39:100971. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2022.100971. PMID: 35198727; PMCID: PMC8850321.
Sherene Shalhub, M.D., M.P.H.

Title: Associate Professor of Surgery and Division Head of Vascular Surgery; Co-Director, OHSU Heart and Vascular Service Line
Research Focus: Aortic dissection; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome