Abdominal Organ and Transplantation Research
Alexandra Bolognese, M.D., Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Professor of Surgery
Research Focus: I am interested in ways to expand organ utilization and access to transplantation
Select Publications:
Bolognese AC, Foley DP, Sparks C, Schneider A, Alessandro AM, Neidlinger N. Utilization of pre-procurement biopsy in donation-after-circulatory death (DCD) liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2022 May 21.
Kim SC, Bolognese AC, Little CJ, Hitchcock M, Leverson GE, Al-Adra DP. Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma with bile duct tumor-associated thrombi: a systematic pooled analysis. Front Transplant. 2022 Apr 29.
Papageorge CM, Bolognese AC, Odorico JS. Expanding access to pancreas transplantation for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2021 Aug 1;26(4):390-396.
Susan Orloff, M.D.

Title: Professor Emeritus
Research Focus: Determining the mechanisms behind CMV accelerated TVS and chronic rejection in solid organ transplantation. We have many avenues of research - regarding improving allograft survival in kidney, heart, liver and small bowel transplantation through mechanistic studies regarding the genomics, proteomics and metabolomics in this arena. We also have the means to expand the organ donor pool through creative strategies in DCD donors, machine perfusion, and the science behind mechanisms of solid organ allograft rejection. In addition, there is great promise in the development of a CMV vaccine to prevent the downstream effects of allograft rejection in the population of allograft recipients that become infected with CMV.
Dr. Orloff's work is currently funded by the NIH.
Previous funding sources include the NIH, TOFA, VA Medical Center, Surgical Education & Research Foundation, OHS Medical Research Foundation, Northwest Health Foundation, and Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation.
Current projects:
- Mechanisms of CMV accelerated Transplant Vascular Sclerosis and chronic rejection in solid organ transplantation - rat and human models; proteomics, genomics, metabolomics
- CMV vaccine development
- HCC genomics and allocation of best clinical practices for screening and treatment
- Enhancing organ donation in the Veterans Administration Medical Centers
Select publications:
- Orloffs SL, Hwee YK, Kreklywich CN, Anode, TF, Hart E, Smith PA, Messaoudi I, Streblow, DM: Cytomeganlovirus Latency Promotes Cardiac Lymphoid Neogenesis and Accelerated Allograft Rejection in CMV Naive Recipients. AJT Jan 11, (1); 45-55 (2011).
- Caposio P, Orloff SL, Streblow DN. The Role of Cytomegalovirus in Angiogenesis. Virus Research May 157 (2): 204-211 (2011).
- Jones IJA, Haese NN, Gatault P, Streblow ZJ, Anode TF, Denton M, Sterblow CE, Bonin K, Kreklywich CN, Burg JM, Orloff SL, Streblow DN. Rat Cytomegalvirus Virion-Asscociated Proteins R131 and R 129 Are Necessary for Infection of Macrophages and Dendritic Cells. Pathogens. 2020 Nov 19,9 (11); E963.
- Gatault P, Jones I, Meyer C, Kreklywich C, Alexander T, Smith P, Denton M, Powell J, Orloff SL, Strelow DN. Rat and Human Cytomegalovirus ORF116 Encodes a Varion Envelope Glycoprotein Requires Infectivity. Virology 2021 Feb 9; 557-23-33.
- Vanarsdall AL, Chin AL, Liu J, Jardetzky TS, Mudd JO, Orloff SL, Streblow DN, Mussi-Pinhata NM, Yamamoto AY, Duarte G, Britt WJ, Johnson DC. HCMV trimer-and pentamer-specific antibodies synergies for virus neutralization but do not correlate with congenital transmission. PNAS Feb 26, 2019, 116 (9), 3728-3733.
- Jones IKA, Orloff SL, Burgh JM, Haeses NM, Takeshi FA, Chambers A, Fei SS, Gas L, Kreklywich CM, Streblow ZJ, Wanderer A, Baker J, Streblow DN. Blocking the IL-1 receptor reduces cardiac transplant ischemia and repercussion injury and mitigates CMV-accelerated chronic rejection. Am J Transplant. 2020; 00: 1-16.
- Haese NN, Burg JM, Anode TF, Jones IKA, Kreklywich CV, Smith PP, Orloff SL, Streblow DN. Macrophage Depeltion of CMV-Latently Infected Donor Hearts Ameliorates Recipient Accelerated Chronic Rejection. Transplant Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 18.
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