Ruijie Wang

  • Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, School of Medicine


Ruijie Wang graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor's degrees in chemistry. She is now pursuing a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and is interested in nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology.

Education and training

    • B.S., 2019, University of Minnesota


Selected publications

  • M. Reda, W. Ngamcherdtrakul, N. Siriwon, D. Bejan, S. Reda, R. Wang, M. Nelson, H. Zaidan, N.H. Hoang, A. Bindal, G.B. Mills, J.W. Gray, W. Yantasee. Development of novel nanoparticle-based immunotherapy targeting PD-L1 and PLK1 for lung cancer treatment. Nat Commun, 2022.
  • W. Ngamcherdtrakul, D. Bejan, W. Cruz-Muñoz, N. Siriwon, H. Zaidan, R. Wang, M. Nelson, S. Marshall, M. Reda, J. W. Gray, K. Hynynen, and W. Yantasee. Targeted nanoparticle for co-delivery of HER2 siRNA and a taxane to mirror the standard treatment of HER2+ breast cancer: efficacy in breast tumor and brain metastasis. Small, 2022.
  • Ngamcherdtrakul, W., Reda, M., Nelson, M. A., Wang, R., Zaidan, H. Y., Bejan, D. S., Hoang, N. H., Lane, R. S., Luoh, S.-W., Leachman, S. A., Mills, G. B., Gray, J. W., Lund, A. W., Yantasee, W., In Situ Tumor Vaccination with Nanoparticle Co-Delivering CpG and STAT3 siRNA to Effectively Induce Whole-Body Antitumor Immune Response. Adv. Mater


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