OHSU Facts

Oregon Health & Science University is where healing, teaching and discovery come together. We advance science in the lab, translate our findings into the latest treatments for patients, and train world-class providers.
As Oregon's only academic health center, OHSU:
- Cares for patients.
- Educates doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and other health care professionals.
- Conducts extensive research, including clinical trials to test new ways to prevent, detect and treat illness.
OHSU is also Portland's largest employer and a statewide economic powerhouse. Our operations include multiple campuses, adult and children’s hospitals, and clinics across Oregon. We also have state-of-the-art research facilities, including the 320,000-square-foot Knight Cancer Research Building.
Learn more below and in the OHSU Fact Book.
Unless otherwise noted, numbers on this page are from:
- Fiscal 2023, which ended June 30, 2023
- The 2022-23 academic year (degrees)
- The 2022-23 academic year (enrollment)
In addition, numbers do not include data from OHSU partners Hillsboro Medical Center or Adventist Health Portland.
Employees: 21,300
Students: 4,130 students in OHSU degree or certificate programs (including students enrolled in joint programs with partner institutions)
Trainees: 972 graduate medical education residents and fellows
Health care facilities:
- OHSU Hospital
- OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital
- Hillsboro Medical Center (formerly Tuality Healthcare) and Adventist Health Portland
- Clinics across Oregon
Licensed beds: 576 (OHSU and Doernbecher)
Annual operating budget: $4.27 billion
Oregon economic impact (2019): $7.2 billion and 42,639 jobs
Fundraising: $104,901,236 from 10,714 donors. The Onward campaign concluded in December 2020 with a total of $2.002 billion raised from 50,991 donors.
Value of OHSU's community contributions: $522 million (FY 2021)
Hospital admissions and medical clinic patients: 340,047
- Children: 76,736
- Adults: 263,311
Dental clinics: 12,191 (FY22)
- Pediatrics: 1,550 (FY22)
- Adults: 10,641 (FY22
Patient visits:
Numbers reflect individuals who were seen and discharged. Patients who were admitted or transferred to an observation unit are counted in those categories.
Hospital visits: 28,346
- Newborns: 906
- Children: 6,438
- Adults: 21,002
Medical clinic visits: 1,117,897
- Children: 166,017
- Adults: 951,880
Dental clinics: 57,256 (FY22)
- Pediatrics: 4,113 (FY22)
- Adults: 53,143 (FY22)
Emergency room visits (OHSU and Doernbecher): 55,226
- Children: 16,261
- Adults: 38,965
Observation unit: 2,897
- Children: 730
- Adults: 2,257
Day patient/day surgery visits: 42,977
- Children: 7,125
- Adults: 35,852
Staffed beds: 562 (including 151 devoted to children)
Licensed beds: 576
Patient demographics:
- 86.81% of health care patients from Oregon
- Health care patients without insurance or covered by a public payer made up more than half of visits.
Award dollars: $596.88 million (FY23)
Invention disclosures: 86 (FY23)
- David Huang, M.D., Ph.D. earned the Lasker Award and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
- OHSU dermatologists and researchers detected the world’s smallest skin cancer.
- OHSU embryologist Shoukhrat Mitalipov, Ph.D., earned the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Distinguished Researcher Award.
- Lisa Coussens, Ph.D. was elected to the National Academy of Sciences
OHSU researchers:
- Discovered a new cause of Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia.
- Assembled a comprehensive atlas of human gene mutations.
- Study reveals limitations in evaluating gene editing technology in human embryos.
- Driven by OHSU research, FDA approves new drug to prevent hearing loss in children with cancer
- Identified a promising next-generation cancer treatment. Chemistry discovery points to next generation inhibitors of PARP-1, a critical target in ovarian, breast and prostate cancers.
- Found clues for potential widespread HIV cure in people.
- Study shows promise of gene therapy for alcohol use disorder.
- Study raises possibility of immunotherapy for treatment of ALS
- Found that immune response to COVID-19 strengthens over time
- OHSU Biofabrication Hub develops organs, bone for pioneering research into cancer, more.
- School of Medicine
- School of Nursing
- School of Dentistry
- School of Public Health
- College of Pharmacy
Students and trainees: 5,102
Students: 4,130 students in OHSU degree or certificate programs (including students enrolled in joint programs with partner institutions)
- 1,556 students in joint programs
- 1,190 students in the OHSU-Portland State University School of Public Health
- 267 students in joint programs with Oregon State University
- 99 students in joint programs with the Oregon Institute of Technology
Trainees: 972 graduate medical education residents and fellows
Faculty: 3,487 (FY23)
Degrees and certificates:
- Degrees and certificates awarded: 1,482
- Degree and certificate programs: 58
OHSU's commitment to care across Oregon communities is unmatched:
- The net value of OHSU's contributions to the community in fiscal 2021 totaled $522 million.
- The value of care provided to underserved patients in fiscal 2016 totaled $165 million.
- OHSU has provided care for uninsured and otherwise underserved people for more than 130 years.
- We provide more than 200 community health programs in rural and urban areas throughout Oregon.
- We're working to increase the number of primary care providers to improve access to health care for everyone.
Employees: 21,300
Alumni: 45,086, including 22,134 living in Oregon
Capital spending: $225 million
Marquam Hill Campus, Portland:
- 37 major buildings, including OHSU Hospital, Kohler Pavilion and Doernbecher Children's Hospital
- Connected to the South Waterfront by the Portland Aerial Tram, which is owned by the city of Portland and operated by OHSU
South Waterfront Campus, Portland:
Five major buildings:
- The Center for Health & Healing Building 1, completed in 2006, was the nation's first large medical facility to earn LEED platinum certification for its environmentally sustainable design and operations.
- The Robertson Life Sciences Building and Skourtes Tower opened in 2014 on land donated by the Schnitzer family. The complex houses the OHSU School of Dentistry and integrated spaces for students and faculty from OHSU, Portland State University and Oregon State University.
- The Knight Cancer Research Building opened in 2018. It has 320,000 square feet of labs and collaborative spaces for hundreds of scientists.
- The 15-story Center for Health & Healing Building 2 opened in 2019. It features space for outpatient care and outpatient surgery, a recovery unit, and clinics for Knight Cancer Institute care and clinical trials.
- The Gary & Christine Rood Family Pavilion, a guest house for OHSU patients and their families, opened in 2019. The pavilion features 38 suites for adult patients and their families, and on a separate floor, 38 suites for pediatric patients and their families.
West Campus, Hillsboro:
This campus houses:
- OHSU's Oregon National Primate Research Center
- The Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute
Total space occupied: OHSU owns and leases space beyond its campuses. Altogether, OHSU occupies more than 8.8 million square feet on about 400 acres.
Annual operating budget: $4.27 billion
- This comes mainly from patient care, gifts, grants and contracts revenue. Appropriations from Oregon's General Fund of $61.2 million made up 1.4% of OHSU's budget and provided crucial support for educational programs.
OHSU fundraising (philanthropy from our donors):
- $104,901,236 from 10,714 donors
- The Onward campaign concluded in December 2020, with a total of $2.002 billion raised from 50,991 donors
OHSU’s independent foundation, the OHSU Foundation, has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to support OHSU missions. It also oversees the efforts of hundreds of volunteers who take part in community fundraising and events to benefit OHSU.
OHSU economic impact: based on 2019 data:
- OHSU's operations generated, directly and indirectly, more than $7.2 billion in total gross output in Oregon.
- OHSU's total economic impact grew 196% over the last 12 years.
- OHSU supports 42,639 jobs, both at OHSU and in the community.
- Without OHSU, economic output in Oregon would fall by $3.8 billion. Students would seek education elsewhere, research grants would go to other academic health centers, and patients with the most complex conditions would go out of state or forgo advanced care.