Headshot photo of Michael A. Harris, Ph.D.<span class="profile__pronouns"> (he/him)</span>

Michael A. Harris, Ph.D. (he/him)

  • Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine


Harris & Lustman (1998).  The psychologist in diabetes care. Clin Diab 16(2), 91-93.

Harris, Greco, Wysocki, Elder, & White (1999).  Chronically ill youths from single-parent, blended, and intact

families: Assessing health-related and family functioning. Fam Sys Health, 17(2), 181-196.

Harris, Wysocki, Sadler, Wilkinson, Harvey, Buckloh, Mauras & White (2000). Validation of a structured

interview for the assessment of diabetes self management.  Diab Care 23(9), 1301-1303.

Harris, Greco, Wysocki, & White (2001).  Family therapy for adolescents with diabetes: A litmus test for

clinically meaningful change.  Fam Sys Health 19(2), 159-168.

Harris, Mertlich, & Rothweiler (2001).  Parenting the child with diabetes. Diab Spect 14(4), 182-184.

Harris & Mertlich (2003). Piloting home-based family systems therapy for adolescents with poorly controlled

diabetes. Childr Health Care 32(1), 65-79.

Harris, Harris, & Mertlich (2005). Piloting in-home family therapy for adolescents with poorly controlled

diabetes: failure to maintain benefits at 6-month follow-up.  J of Ped Psych.

Harris (2006). Dogs, cats and diabetes.  Diab Spect 19(3).

Harris, Oelbaum, Flomo (2007) Changing and adhering to lifestyle changes: what are the keys? Am J Lifestyle

Med 1(2), 214-219.
Harris, Greco (in-press).Psychosocial complications. In M. Levine M Pfeifer (Eds.), The Uncomplicated

Guide to Diabetes Complications, 3rd Ed. Washington, DC: American Diabetes Association.

Harris, Antal, Oelbaum, Buckloh, White, Wysocki (2008). Good intentions gone awry: assessing the negative aspects of social support in diabetes. Fam, Sys Health 26(4), 393-403.

Harris, Freeman, Beers (2009): Family therapy for adolescents with poorly controlled diabetes: initial test of clinical significance. J Ped Psych.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • Ph.D., 1991, Alliant International University
  • Residency

    • Human Services, Inc. - Oakdale, MN, 1990-1991
  • Fellowship

    • University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri, 1992
  • Certifications

    • Oregon licensed psychologist

Memberships and associations:

  • American Diabetes Association


Elsevier pure profile


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