Luiz E. Bertassoni, D.D.S., Ph.D.

  • Professor of Division of Oncological Sciences, School of Medicine
  • Member, CEDAR, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, School of Medicine
  • Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine
  • Department of Oral Rehabilitation & Integrative Biosciences, School of Dentistry


Dr. Luiz E. Bertassoni is the founding director of the Knight Cancer Precision Biofabrication Hub and Professor at the Division of Oncological Sciences at the Knight Cancer Institute, where he is also co-section head for Discovery and Translational Oncology. Dr. Bertassoni also holds appointments at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research (CEDAR) center and the OHSU School of Dentistry. Dr. Bertassoni obtained a PhD in Biomaterials from University of Sydney, and was a postdoctoral researcher at UCSF, and subsequently at Harvard Medical School and MIT's joint program in Health Sciences and Technology. Dr. Bertassoni leads a multidisciplinary research group working on various aspects of biofabrication, including 3D bioprinting, organs on-a-chip and regenerative medicine. Luiz has published over 100 manuscripts, including research papers, books and book chapters, and his work has appeared in high-impact journals, such as Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Science Advances. His work on vascular bioprinting was listed in the top 100 research discoveries by Discover Magazine, and his work has been broadly covered by the international media. He is a recipient of over 30 national and international research awards, including the Medical Research Foundation New Investigator award, the Silver Family Faculty Innovation award and many more. Luiz serves as a reviewer for over 60 peer reviewed international journals, and as associate editor/editorial board member for other 10 research journals. Dr. Bertassoni is also a co-founder of 2 biotech spin-off companies which resulted from his work on cancer research and regenerative medicine.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • D.D.S., 2007
    • Ph.D., 2012, University of Sydney
  • Fellowship

    • Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School 2012-2013
    • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital 2012-2013
    • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, San Francisco 2007-2009


Selected publications

  • Rapid fabrication of vascularized cell-laden bone models with biomimetic intrafibrillar collagen mineralization, nanostructure and composition. Thrivikraman G, Athirasala A, Gordon R, Zhang L, Bergan R, Keene DR, Jones JM, Xie H, Ferracane JL, Wingender B, Gower L, Bertassoni LE.  Nature Communications. 2019 6;10(1):3520. 
  • Perivascular cells function as key mediators of mechanical and structural changes in vascular capillaries. CM. Franca, MEL Verde, AC Silva-Sousa, A Mansoorifar, A Athirasala, R Subbiah, A Tahayeri, M Sousa, MA Fraga, RM. Visalakshan, A Doe, K Beadle, M Finley, E Dimitriadis, J Bays, M Uroz, KM. Yamada, C Chen, LE. Bertassoni. Science Advances 2025 
  • Bioprinting of complex multicellular organs with advanced functionality – recent progress and challenges ahead. Bertassoni LE.  Advanced Materials. 34 (3), 2101321 2022  
  • Bone‐on‐a‐Chip: Microfluidic Technologies and Microphysiologic Models of Bone Tissue. Mansoorifar, A, Gordon R, Bergan R, Bertassoni LE. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021 31(6):e2006796 (I.F. 18.8)
  • 3D Printing of Microgel-Loaded Modular Microcages as Instructive Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering.  Subbiah R, Hipfinger C, Tahayeri A, Athirasala A, Horsophonphong S, Thrivikraman G, França CM, Cunha DA, Mansoorifar A, Zahariev A, Jones JM, Coelho PG, Witek L, Xie H, Guldberg RE, Bertassoni LE. Advanced Materials. 2020 Sep;32(36):e2001736.