Joannah Vaughan, MBA
- Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
An Assistant Professor, Joannah is the founding director of the Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program. Since 2003, Joannah has developed and managed the screening program, which currently screens over 8,000 preschool children each year. She frequently conducts training for OHSU and University of Portland nursing students, Portland Community College ophthalmic technicians, the Oregon Head Start State Association and statewide community health clinics. She successfully lobbied to mandate vision screening for all Oregon children entering public schools. She also successfully lobbied OHP to provide child friendly glasses that do not break. Joannah has presented vision screening research at international conferences, including the World Ophthalmology Congress, the American Academy of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, and at the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Areas of interest
- Preschool Vision Screening
- Photoscreening technology
- Research on preschool vision screening
Selected publications
- Vaughan J, Dale T, Herrera D. “Comparison of Photoscreening to Chart Methodology for Vision Screening.” The Journal of School Nursing, July 2020.
- Bellsmith K, Herrera D, Dale T, Vaughan J. “Detection of Treatment-Requiring Hyperopia Using a Photo Vision Screening Device in a Preschool Population”. Poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2021; Virtual Meeting.
- Vaughan J, Herrera D, Dale T. “Effects of Demographics on the Dilation of Preschool Children During the Eye Exam”. Poster session presented at the Annual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; May, 2021; Virtual Meeting.
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