Gopal Allada, M.D. (he/him)

  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Medical Director, Division of Physician Assistant Education, School of Medicine


Dr. Allada was born and raised in Michigan and attended the University of Michigan for his undergraduate and medical school education. From there, he completed an internal medicine residency at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1998, he began his pulmonary and critical care fellowship at OHSU. He has since become board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, critical care, and sleep medicine. He currently serves as the general pulmonary clinic director, pulmonary clinic quality improvement director, the OHSU adult cystic fibrosis director and the medical director of the OHSU Physician Assistant school.

In addition, he participates in clinical research trials for promising cystic fibrosis therapies. He serves on the national Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Center committee, the national CFF Education committee and is a board member of the Oregon Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • M.D., 1994, University of Michigan
  • Internship

    • Internal medicine, 1994-95, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Residency

    • Internal medicine, 1995-97, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Fellowship

    • Pulmonary and Critical Care, OHSU 1998-2001
  • Certifications

    • Internal medicine, 1997
    • Pulmonary medicine, 2000
    • Critical care medicine, 2001

Memberships and associations:

  • American Thoracic Society

Areas of interest

  • Adult cystic fibrosis, general pulmonary clinic, medical intensive care unit, inpatient pulmonary consultation, medical education


Elsevier pure profile

Selected publications

  • Broberg, CS, Van Woerkom RC, Swallow E, Dimopoulos K, Diller G-P, Allada G, Gatzoulis. Lung function and gas exchange in Eisenmenger syndrome and their impact on exercise capacity and survival. International Journal of Cardiology 171 (2014):73-77.
  • Wysham NG, Sullivan DR, Allada G. An Opportunistic Infection Associated with Ruxolitinib, a novel JAK 1,2 Inhibitor. Chest 2013; 143(5):1478-79.   
  • Ramsey BW, Davies J, VX08-770-102 Study Group. A CFTR potentiator in patients with cystic fibrosis and the G551D mutation. New England Journal of Medicine. Nov 2011; 365 (18):1663-72.
  • Garrett L, West S, Marr K, Allada G. 74-Year-Old Man From the Pacific Northwest With Fever and a Lung Mass. Chest 2011 Sept; 140 (3):814-7.
  • Kim HS, Choi D, Lim LL, Allada G, Smith JR, Austin CR, Doyle TM, Goodwin KA, Rosenbaum JT, Martin TM, Association with the IL23 Receptor gene and Sarcoidosis. Dis Markers. 2011;31(1):17-24.
  • Wilder C, Allada G, Schuster M.  Instantaneous within-patient diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing populations from cystic fibrosis lung infections. Infectious Immunology. 2009 Dec;77(12):5631-9.
