Rural and Remote/Frontier Hospitals

Type A
Small remote hospital that has 50 or fewer beds and is more than 30 miles from another acute inpatient care facility | Directory
Type B
Small and rural hospital that has 50 or fewer beds and is 30 miles or less from another acute inpatient care facility | Directory
Type C
Rural hospital which has more than 50 beds, but is not a referral center | Directory
Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
Oregon has 25 Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program, established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-33) enables certain rural hospitals to be classified as Critical Access Hospitals (CAH). A CAH is able to improve its financial stability through enhanced Medicare reimbursement and reduced operating costs. In Oregon, the process of designation is coordinated by the Oregon Office of Rural Health.
Map | Directory | CMS Fact Sheet
Rural Referral Center
Rural Referral Centers are high-volume acute care rural hospitals that treat a large number of complicated cases. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) classifies hospitals as Rural Referral Centers. Hospitals classified as Rural Referral Centers may be eligible to participate in the 340B Drug Pricing Program if they have a disproportionate share adjustment percentage equal to or greater than 8 percent for the most recently filed Medicare cost report and meet the requirements of 42 USC 256b(a)(4)(L)(i). Rural Referral Centers may also register their outpatient clinics.
Directory | HRSA Information | Rural Hospital Coalition Fact Sheet
Sole Community Hospital (SCH)
A SCH is often the only source of hospital care for isolated rural residents. As such, the CMS classification provides payment protections in order to keep these hospitals viable. A hospital is eligible to be classified as a SCH if it meets distance requirements and is the primary source of inpatient hospital services available in a geographic area for Medicare beneficiaries.
Directory | Rural Hospital Coalition Fact Sheet | HRSA Information