DMD Program Competencies

OHSU Student Sim Lab

SOD Student Learning Outcomes
DMD Competency Philosophy- download

The practice of dentistry requires a firm foundation in the basic sciences enabling the dentist to discriminate between normal anatomic, histologic and developmental variation and pathological alteration. The dentist must have knowledge of anatomy, histology, embryology, genetics, physiology, neuroscience, biochemistry, biomaterials, microbiology, pharmacology, pathology and behavioral science sufficient to understand the basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Knowledge of basic science and the ability to apply that knowledge critically is the foundation of the dental health care professions.
(CODA Standards 2-6, 2-11, 2-12)

The Graduate of the OHSU School of Dentistry is competent to:

  1. Apply established and emerging scientific principles fundamental to healthcare in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of oral and systemic disease and the promotion and maintenance of oral health in patients and populations.
  2. COMMUNICATE with patients and health care professionals in a culturally sensitive, ethical, and professional manner to determine the values, needs, and preferences related to oral and systemic health.
  3. Through a systematic and comprehensive PATIENT ASSESSMENT, identify and record all relevant findings related to the patient’s social, physical, behavioral/psychological, and oral health status.
  4. GENERATE working/differential DIAGNOSES with supporting prognosis statements that reflect and are consistent with the assessment data, and communicate this information to the patient.
  5. SELECT the SEQUENCED TREATMENT PLAN in consultation with the patient that addresses each diagnosis and reflects therapies supported by evidence and including prognoses to restore health that is congruent with patient needs, patient preferences, clinical standards, and provider’s skill.
  6. PROVIDE or MANAGE PATIENT CARE that is of high quality, compassionate, ethical, based upon the best current evidence, and employs sound business practices.
  7. EVALUATE and MANAGE the OUTCOME of the treatment provided and utilize these evaluations to direct professional development.