General Practice Residency

The general practice residency is a one-year program that introduces dentists to adult hospital practice. It facilitates optimal comprehensive oral and systemic health for patients in a dynamic contemporary clinical, educational, and scientific environment. The program emphasizes the treatment of patients with special needs, including those patients whose medical, physical, psychological, or social situations require modification of normal oral health treatment modalities for care.
What's New in GPR?
In the News: See what general practice resident, Dr. Sachin Rao '23, had to say about volunteering at the student-run Bridges Collaborative Care Clinic in this OHSU Foundation article.
The program is located in two primary sites - the OHSU Hospital on Marquam Hill and the School of Dentistry on OHSU's South Waterfront campus. Residents complete rotations in clinics at two hospitals: OHSU and Kaiser Permanente. As one of OHSU's ACGME programs, the GPR offers a competitive salary and benefits.
General Practice Residency Leadership
Jack L. Ferracane, Ph.D. , professor and chair, Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Biosciences
Malin Friess, D.M.D., assistant professor and program director
Goals and Objectives
- Provide evidence based patient centered dental care to a wide variety of people, including the special needs patient population that includes those patients whose medical, physical, psychological, or social situations require modification of normal oral health treatment modalities
- Participate actively in a multidisciplinary treatment team
- Serve the community, especially underserved/ low socioeconomic status patient populations
- Provide consultative/ treatment services to all medical departments and services within OHSU, Kaiser Permanente, and Providence Health System
- Select and apply appropriate means of pain and anxiety control, including local anesthesia, analgesics, oral/ N2O/ IV sedation, and general anesthesia via anesthesiologists
- Recognize and manage medical emergencies in a dental setting, including advanced airway management, and pharmacological intervention
- Understand and implement basic aspects of different types of practice administration, state of the art clinical charting systems and supervision of auxiliary personnel
- Critically review and assess contemporary scientific literature that demonstrates the scientific principals in oral and systemic health care
- Participate in organized dentistry
- Self-assess abilities and limitations.
Hospital Dental Services
The Hospital Dental Services (HDS) clinic is the number one provider of dental services for special needs patients in the State of Oregon. Residents will spend 1/3 of their residency at the HDS clinic. This clinic is used for trauma call coverage, management of OHSU inpatients, clearance for OHSU patients prior to organ transplants and cancer therapies. From our consultations on special needs patient GPR generates over 170 Operating Room cases per year where residents get hands on experiences in providing full mouth OR rehabilitation (including third molar removal, full mouth extractions, and full mouth restorative cases).
School of Dentistry GPR Clinic
The emphasis at our School of Dentistry GPR Clinic is in clinical dentistry and IV sedation on a population with complex medical and behavioral needs. Residents will spend 1/3 of their residency at the SoD GPR clinic. Diagnosis, fixed prosthodontics, implant restorations, operative dentistry, IV sedation, dental extractions, digital scanning, and removable prosthodontics will be highlighted.
Residents will complete rotation in the following areas.
Anesthesiology (Kaiser Permanente)
This 3-week rotation takes place at the Kaiser Interstate ambulatory surgery center. The full spectrum of anesthesia services is available to the resident. The goals of this rotation include preoperative evaluation, venipuncture technique, prevention and treatment of anesthetic emergencies, and airway management.
Family Medicine (OHSU)
Rotating with attending physicians and residents, this is a 2-week experience in the Family Medicine inpatient and ambulatory settings. Rounding in the morning with the team, residents evaluate patients and participate in their care. Details of heart and lung field evaluation are emphasized. Past residents have even delivered babies and scrubbed in during C-sections.
Pediatric Dentistry (Multnomah County Dental Clinic)
As a 2-week experience, residents participate in the full spectrum of pediatric dentistry. Nitrous oxide sedation, behavior management, SSC, pulpotomy on primary teeth, space maintenance, prevention of dental disease, and oral hygiene instruction will be emphasized in a patient population with limited access to dental treatment.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OHSU)
This is a 2-week experience in the full spectrum of oral & maxillofacial surgery (OMS), rotating with OMS residents both clinically and in the operating room. Residents "scrub in" for the full OR experience. Cancer resection, reconstruction, and ultimately rehabilitation are a large part of this rotation.
Sleep Medicine (OHSU & VA)
During this 1-week experience, the resident will achieve a basic understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, and management of common sleep disorders, including home apnea testing and polysomnography.
Oral Medicine (Providence Hospital)
As a 1-week experience, residents participate in the full spectrum of oral medicine. Pre and post treatment of patients with head and neck cancer, management of oral pain, and diagnosis and treatment of oral pathology are emphasized.
Connect with us
Clinic Line: 503-494-8867
2730 S. Moody Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Read OHSU Dental Clinic’s patient appointment instructions before arriving for your scheduled appointment.
More questions? Email our appointment center
OHSU School of Dentistry
General Practice Residency
2730 S. Moody Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201-5042
Malin Friess, D.M.D.
Program Director
José Gutiérrez
Residency Program Coordinator
Support the Residency
Your gift helps the Dentistry General Practice Residency Program to flourish.