Contact the School of Dentistry

Email patient appointments admitting clinic or call 503-494-8867
Call for faculty dental practice appointments 503-494-4316
Email student admissions or call 503-494-5274
Email the OHSU alumni relations team or call 503-552-066
Email continuing education or call 503-494-8857
Call student services 503-494-8825
Inclement Weather Information
OHSU remains open regardless of weather conditions. Under limited circumstances, School of Dentistry classes may be canceled or dental clinics may close during inclement weather. Only the president or their designee may alter the normal operations of the university due to weather conditions. Changes in the normal operations of the academic units must be cleared through the provost.
Note that when classes are canceled, the clinic may still be fully operational. Please call both phone numbers listed below for up-to-date information.
Call the OHSU inclement weather hotline at 503-494-9021
Patients can call the School of Dentistry clinic weather hotline at 503-494-8867
Portland Public Transportation
Information about TriMet
Information about the Portland Streetcar
Information about the Portland Aerial Tram
School and Dental Clinic Locations
OHSU School of Dentistry
2730 South Moody Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201-5042
Russell Street Dental Clinic
214 N. Russell Street
Portland, Oregon 97227