School of Dentistry Policies and Procedures

The School of Dentistry Student Handbook and Academic Policy & Procedures Manual will introduce student learners to the services that support their educational goals. This is the official document detailing the expectations, policies, procedures, rights and due process for student learners attending OHSU School of Dentistry.
Student Handbook and Academic Policy & Procedures Manual 2024-2025
Students are required to attend all scheduled classes, small group sessions, seminars, presentations, intramural clinics and rotations, extramural clinics and rotations, and official School or University required functions. Students are expected to challenge all examinations and tests given as part of the DMD program of study at the times scheduled by the course director. Read the attendance policy and absence flow chart for information on allowable absences and how to report absences.
OHSU Code of Conduct
OHSU is committed to upholding the following core values in all its endeavors; achieving excellence in all we do. Creating new knowledge through research and innovation. Providing the highest-quality education for the next generation of health care professionals. Fostering a spirit of collegiality and integrity. Providing compassionate care for our patients. Maintaining a high level of accountability for our use of resources. Encouraging, creating, and respecting diversity within OHSU. Fostering an environment of open, honest, and respectful communication throughout the OHSU community. OHSU Code of Conduct
Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination
Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal aid. OHSU complies with Title IX and 34 CFR Part 106 by prohibiting sex and gender discrimination in education programs, activities, employment, and admissions. Inquiries about Title IX compliance or sex/gender discrimination may be directed to the OHSU Title IX Coordinator: Mailing address: OHSU, Mail code: PP22C, 3310 S.W. Veterans Hospital Road, Portland, OR 97239. Inquiries may also be directed to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 1-800-421-3481.
OHSU Policy Manual: Search for policies that apply to all OHSU employees, students, volunteers, and contractors.
Policy Contacts
Academic Systems
Student Services
OHSU Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance
Mail Code: MP 240
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239