Medicare Shared Savings Program

Accountable Care

Tuality Health Plan Services ACO

What is an ACO?

Tuality Health Plan Services (THPS) Accountable Care Organization (ACO) gives you access to health care from great providers and hospitals throughout the Portland Metro area. Our goal is to provide you with an excellent patient experience and high-quality care that is more coordinated and less complex.

To achieve this, THPS ACO shares pertinent information about your health and your care to those who work directly with us to help you stay healthy. We are committed to providing you with exceptional care and an outstanding experience at no additional cost.

If you have general questions about the Shared Savings Program, you can contact:

1-800-MEDICARE (Option #1)

Teletypewriter users call:

Tuality Health Plan Services ACO

Primary ACO Contact:
Mary Ransome

Tuality Health Plan Services
P.O. Box 925
355 SE 8th Avenue
Hillsboro, OR 97123