Cosmetic Laser Technology
Lasers have become very popular tools in the medical field and provide effective implements for aesthetic improvement.

The word laser is an acronym, which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Basically, it means that it is a high-energy light that can be focused on a very small area. The light is an energy source that introduces heat into the skin. The important part to know is that the light is a single wavelength, which means it is one color of light. This becomes important because each wavelength of light is attracted to a certain target – brown spots, red blood vessels or other structures of the skin. Therefore, each laser is effective on specific targets, which means that a variety of lasers are needed to achieve multiple types of corrections.
Ablative vs. nonablative
For cosmetic treatments, there are two main types of laser treatments: ablative and nonablative. There are many different types of lasers in each category, each with a little different focus. Generally, ablative lasers vaporize the top layers of damaged skin and nonablative lasers go deeper into the skin structure but do not damage the top layers of skin. The amount of recovery time is associated with whether the laser is ablative or nonablative.
Fractional lasers
A laser technology that many people know by the brand name “Fraxel,” is a newer type of ablative laser that only treats a fraction of the skin, but goes deeper in the places that it is treating. Therefore, the treatment is more effective with minimized injury to the skin.
Available at these clinics
Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center:
- Deep & ActiveFx CO2
- Starlux Intense Pulse Light
- Fraxel Dual Laser
- Fraxel re:store®
- Lux 1540 Fractional Wrinkle Laser
- V-beam Vascular and Rejuvenation Laser
- Versapulse YAG Vascular Laser
- Lightsheer Hair Removal Laser
- Q-switched Alexandrite Laser
- Q-switched 532nm YAG Laser
- Q-switched Ruby Laser
- Q-switched 1064nm YAG Laser
Casey Eye Institute's Facial Aesthetic Surgery Center:
- Nidek CO2 Laser
- Iridex Diolite 532 Laser
Vein Clinic at South Waterfront:
- Diode Skin Pulse Laser
- Radio Frequency Catheter System
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic
- Sciton® JOULE