CHSE mapping gaps in behavioral health care with multiple National Institute for Mental Health grants
People of color disproportionately dropped from Medicaid
P.I. Jane Zhu, M.D., M.P.P., M.S.H.P.
Coverage of physical and behavioral health care together doesn’t improve access
P.I. John McConnell, Ph.D.
Opioid use disorder treatment varies widely among states
P.I. Stephan Lindner, Ph.D.
OHSU center to evaluate state program that keeps people thriving at home
Co-Leads: Hyunjee Kim, Ph.D., and Ruth Rowland, M.A.
Medicaid reimbursement for mental health varies widely across states
P.I. Jane Zhu, M.D., M.P.P., M.S.H.P.
Documenting reliance on emergency departments for mental health care
P.I. John McConnell, Ph.D.
Archived News
- February session of Medicaid Insights Colloquium to feature panel discussion with national Medicaid leaders
- Wages not the only stressor for Oregon's behavioral health providers, study finds
- CHSE to serve as evaluator for Oregon Medicaid SUD residential treatment waiver
- Psychiatric Services podcast features CHSE research on behavioral health workforce
- CHSE job openings: Senior Healthcare Measures Analyst (Research Engineer 3) and Biostatistician 3
- Postpartum contraceptive use in Medicaid enrollees falls below national goals, new study using T-MSIS data shows
- OHSU center partners with Oregon CJC to improve understanding of health care needs for individuals with criminal justice involvement
- OHA releases interim report for 2017-2022 Medicaid 1115 waiver renewal cycle
- CHSE welcomes Adrienne Nevola as a principal policy analyst
- CHSE to host free virtual series, invites leaders in Medicaid policy and research to ‘take the MIC’
- CHSE welcomes new principal policy analyst Judy Richardson
- Entry-level researcher needed for Medicaid projects at OHSU center
- Experienced Biostatistician with background in R needed at OHSU research center
- Nicole Hernandez to spend internship helping to improve outcomes for opioid-dependent mothers and children
- Seeing Ghosts: Examining mental healthcare access in Oregon Medicaid
- CHSE welcomes Research Coordinator Inga Suneson
- CCO makes connections to social support for a healthier community
- Biostatistician Kirbee Johnston joins CHSE
- October MIC session to discuss turning Medicaid research into action
- OHA Releases Second Annual Progress Report for Medicaid CCO Value-Based Payment Roadmap
- Study finds large variations in long-term care for dual-eligibles with Alzheimer's disease
- CHSE welcomes Research Engineer Ariel Balter
- New study shows reduced rates of hip/knee replacements for Black beneficiaries under Medicare Comprehensive Joint Replacement model
- Center for Health Systems Effectiveness welcomes three new team members
- Dr. Maria Rodriguez appointed first official CHSE affiliate faculty in new program
- OHSU Center for Health Systems Effectiveness receives $6 million to fund new Medicaid research
- OHSU Equity Intern reflects on her time at CHSE, has your back on chronic back pain
- Dr. Jane Zhu becomes official CHSE affiliate faculty member
- Oregon's Coordinated Care Organizations make early strides to meet OHA value-based payment goals by 2024
- OHSU Center for Health Systems Effectiveness welcomes new policy analyst Eliza Hallett
- OHSU research center seeks experienced and passionate individual for new director role
- Coordinator needed for growing OHSU research center
- OHSU research center seeks research engineer with technical proficiency and passion
- Center for Health Systems Effectiveness welcomes HR Coordinator Toby Futch
- OHSU research center seeks experienced Ph.D. to serve as an assistant/associate professor
- Seasoned policy analyst needed at OHSU research center
- Medicaid coverage for postpartum care improves outcomes for immigrants, could reduce public costs
- Kirsten Aspengren selected as director of operations
- OHSU paper shows increase in colorectal cancer testing for Medicaid patients following Oregon’s coordinated care reforms, Medicaid expansion
- Paper looks at predictors of SUD treatment initiation among adolescents, adults
- "Mitch Dinner" explores care delivery for transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals
- CHSE weighs in on new efforts by CMS to change payment for primary care
- New AHRQ grant explores spillover of Medicare's Comprehensive Joint Replacement program
- CHSE joins health scholars' brief on Title X rules change
- CHSE hosts two Summer Equity Research Interns
- Governor taps CHSE director for new committee on sustainable cost growth
- New research investigates health care access for Oregonians with Medicaid vs. private insurance
- CHSE gives Oregon legislators update on provider consolidation