FAQ - Community Engagement Grants

Do you have to be a 501(c)(3) to apply?

Yes. Only 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible for funding at this time.

Do you provide funding for operation expenses or only for projects?

We currently only consider funding for projects. Funding for general operating expenses are not considered at this time.

What about matching or challenge grants?

We like them. In fact, if your financial request is large, we encourage you to find other sources of funding along with ours to make your goal. We encourage partnerships and collaborative efforts in grant making.

Would you fund a long-term project, say, three to five years in length?

No, at this time, funding for projects is only one year. However, under special circumstances, a no cost extension might be considered if it met the following criteria:

  • There is a specific reason why extension of the project dates is needed.
  • This reason is not due to mismanaged finances or poor financial planning.
  • An agreement is made whereby the grant seeker will submit regular reports which would be reviewed by the CPC to determine if the criteria had been met for funds not yet spent. These criteria would be agreed upon by both parties at the onset of the grant relationship.

How do I make initial contact with your organization?

To begin, complete the online grant application process. This can be done through our website during an open cycle.

Are there any deadlines I need to know about?

Our CPC meets four times per year. Grant applications are reviewed at the quarterly meeting following the closure of the request for proposal due date. Specific dates will be included in request for proposal.

Where are you located?

We are located on the Oregon Health & Science University campus situated on Marquam Hill in Portland, Oregon.

My organization is not in the Portland Metropolitan Area. Can I still apply for funding?

Any non-profit organization based in Oregon and that delivers the project or services in Oregon and falls within our guidelines is of interest to us and eligible for possible funding.

Do you fund international projects?

No, not at this time.

If you have any other questions, please contact us at cpcminigrant@ohsu.edu.