Our Program

The Department of Radiation Medicine occupies 17,000 square feet on the fourth floor of the Peter O. Kohler Pavilion, located in the OHSU Hospital on Marquam Hill. Kohler Pavilion was built in 2006 and is a state-of-the-art patient care facility dedicated to clinical services and holds over 150 hospital beds. Kohler Pavilion is one of the most visible buildings on the Marquam Hill. The department serves the entire OHSU campus including Doernbecher Pediatric Hospital, the VA Portland Health Care System, and the Center for Health and Healing and OHSU satellite health centers including Beaverton Cancer Clinic, Columbia Memorial Hospital, Community Cancer Center, and Hillsboro Cancer Center. Through its partnership with OHSU, the department is able to deliver high-quality patient care and distinctive instruction for its learners.
The mission of the Radiation Oncology Residency Program is to nurture exceptional radiation oncologists, giving them the skills and knowledge to build successful careers in clinical practice, education, research, and advocacy. Our training includes supervised clinical experiences, faculty and resident led lectures, multidisciplinary learning opportunities, and resident led research. The program provides exposure to a range of cancers including pediatric, thoracic, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, lymphoma, head and neck, soft tissue, breast, and central nervous system malignancies, and core instruction in radiation biology and physics. Throughout the four-year program, residents progressively assume more responsibility to gain experience as independent radiation oncologists.
The department is staffed by interdepartmental team including radiation oncologists, clinical medical physicists, dosimetrists, radiation oncology nurses, radiation therapists, and medical assistants. Our equipment includes four external-beam treatment rooms with two Elekta Versa HD, one Varian TrueBeam (Linac-based SRS) , and one Tomotherapy HD (HDR Brachytherapy, and LDR Eye Plaque Program). We have advanced imaging capabilities such as kV-kV and cone beam CT, as well as Calypso localization, BrainLab ExacTrac fluoroscopy, and active breathing control. We also have a Siemens BigBore CT scanner for 4D CT-based simulation and a 4D PET CT scanner for treatment planning.
For external beam treatments, we use Eclipse and MIM systems for CT-based 3D planning, IMRT, VMAT, stereotactic body radiotherapy, and more. Our brachytherapy program primarily uses HDR Iridium-192 and includes prostate cancer treatments in partnership with community providers. We also have an I-125 eye plaque brachytherapy program with the Casey Eye Institute for choroidal melanomas and offer interstitial brachytherapy for various cancers.
We are committed to providing training in a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment, focusing on the well-being and professional growth of each resident, in line with OHSU's mission of healing, teaching, and discovery.
Learn about OHSU's residencies and fellowships and resident employment and benefits