Application Requirements

OHSU selects residents through a thorough process that looks at their skills, academic background, communication abilities, and personal traits. OHSU is committed to fairness and does not discriminate based on gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, disability, or veteran status. Find out more about applying to applying to OHSU residencies and fellowships.
All applications must be submitted via the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
Your completed ERAS application should include a thorough Curriculum Vitae highlighting academic accomplishments and clinical experiences, along with strong letters of recommendation from radiation oncologists and other faculty members. It also includes a compelling personal statement that demonstrates a genuine passion for the field and your Medical School Performance Evaluation (Dean's Letter).
All prospective applicants are required to meet the eligibility criteria for obtaining medical licensure in the State of Oregon. Graduates from foreign medical schools should reach out to the OHSU's GME Office to confirm eligibility.
International medical graduates will also need to provide a ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) Certification as part of their application.
To apply to the Radiation Oncology Residency Program:
- Submit a completed application via Electronic Residency Application System
- Register for the National Resident Matching Program
September 4, 2024: MyERAS Application Portal Opens
September 16, 2024: The Match Registration Opens
Early October: Interview invites sent via Thalamus
October 2025: OHSU Interviews (in-person interviews)
February 3, 2025: Rank Order List Opens
March 5, 2025: Rank Order List Certification Deadline
March 17, 2025: Match Week begins
March 21, 2025: MATCH DAY
The selection process does not have any minimum board scores or grades. Applicants must graduate from an approved school of medicine or osteopathy with post-internship training. Applicants must also maintain good academic standing and must have taken USMLE Step 1.
Applicants do not need to have passed USMLE/COMLEX Step 2 or Step 3 to submit their application. Incoming residents must have passed the USMLE/COMLEX Step 1 and Step 2 exams before starting training. Please refer to OHSU's GME 33 - USMLE-COMLEX Policy for further guidance.
The Radiation Oncology Residency Program does not offer a PGY-1 transitional/preliminary year training. Applicants must complete an ACGME-approved clinical program, the program does not mandate a specific clinical internship.
The transitional/preliminary year training application process is separate from OHSU's residency application process.
We wish to ensure all applicants to OHSU’s residency and fellowship programs have complete, timely, and accurate information before selecting or ranking a program. Below are links to a sample copy of the resident/fellow contract currently in use and OHSU’s policies related to eligibility for appointment to a residency or fellowship position and visa status.
- Sample 2024 House Officer Appointment Agreement here.
- GME 01 – Accommodation for those with Disabilities
- GME 09 – Clinical and Educational Work Hours
- GME 19 – Procedures for Addressing Resident-Fellow Performance Deficiencies
- GME 24 - Eligibility Recruitment & Selection
- GME 27 – Restrictive Covenants
You can find more OHSU policies under Appointment Agreements and Policies on GME's Incoming Residents and Fellows page.