Medical Students

Our faculty members are committed to excellence in teaching pathology to medical students on a variety of platforms. We offer two- and four-week electives in introductory and special topic formats for 3rd and 4th year students. Our faculty are active participants in the medical student curriculum and are committed to helping students incorporate pathology and lab medicine into their clinical training.
The Pathology Student Fellowship (Pathology Student Experience) is a 1-year program that is normally open only to OHSU students. Pathology student fellows are fully integrated into the daily case work of the Pathology Department, working alongside residents, and working closely with faculty, often in a one-on-one setting. Student fellows rotate through the autopsy and surgical pathology services at OHSU and the Portland VA hospital, and will have opportunities for research experience and electives. On the autopsy service, the student fellow participates in prosection and generation of a complete autopsy report, including clinicopathologic correlation. Interesting autopsy cases are presented at a weekly autopsy conference. On the surgical pathology service, fellows engage in intraoperative consultations, gross examination of surgical pathology specimens, and preview and review cases with faculty. Student fellows manage their cases independently with faculty guidance. Protected time to attend pathology didactics and Departmental Grand Rounds is ensured. Opportunities to participate in medical student teaching are available.
An informational meeting is held during early spring when interested students will be able to meet current and former student fellows. After the informational meeting, interested students will arrange to spend time observing in the Department of Pathology followed by a brief interview session.
Here's what pathology student fellows have said about the program:
“I was given incredible responsibility from day one, the ability to learn directly from attendings and the chance to reflect on the future”
“I leave with a strong desire to show the same kind of patience and willingness to share knowledge with others”
“I feel that I’ve gained a lot of confidence in my abilities and inspiration from others through their work ethic and enthusiasm”
“In addition to helping me decide on a specialty, the pathology year really rounded out my medical school experience”
“I met people who have helped me with advice and ideas about making some really tough (career) choices”
“Some days were long and hard, but they were always fun and interesting”
Visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information
The Pathology Student Interest Group is a group of pathology enthusiasts who delve into the microscopic world of disease through a variety of activities. Students have the opportunity to observe autopsies and interact with experienced pathologists. Resident pathologists organize unique surgical case presentations which correlate to current coursework and provide clinical relevance to textbook concepts. Students also review slides with faculty mentors using multi-user scopes. Developing service projects include partnerships with local elementary and high school students to provide gross-anatomy-based pathologic findings related to health behaviors. Further opportunities are emerging as students mold the group to their interests; these include a visit to the state medical examiner and opportunities to attend conferences and dinner lectures hosted by the Oregon Pathologists Association.
Student Contacts:
Rosa Speranza
Katherine Runkel
Faculty Contacts:
Nicole Andeen, M.D.
Phil Raess, M.D., Ph.D.
Student contacts
Rosa Speranza
Katherine Runkel
Faculty contacts
Nicole Andeen, M.D.
Phil Raess, M.D., Ph.D.
OHSU Pathology's clinical experience curriculum is open to visiting medical students as space allows. Students from accredited US medical schools to are welcome to apply.
Learn more about applying as a visiting medical student at OHSU
Diversity Program for Visiting Medical Students
The OHSU Diversity Program for Visiting Medical Students was established to enhance student awareness of opportunities in academic medicine at OHSU and increase the number of diverse students applying to OHSU's residency programs. The program offers qualified applicants mentoring, networking, and financial assistance in the form of a $2,000 stipend towards room and board and transportation during the rotation at OHSU. All participants will be assigned a faculty advisor/mentor and be offered opportunities to network with other OHSU housestaff and students.
Competitive applicants for the Diversity Program for Visiting Students will have demonstrated personal experience or interest in diversity, health disparities, or serving underrepresented populations. The program is open to applicants who demonstrate the above, have expressed interest in applying to an OHSU Residency Program, and at least one of the following: grew up in a rural community or have experienced significant disadvantage or adversity. Rotations are four weeks in duration and are available, space permitting, to full-time fourth-year students who are in good standing in an accredited U.S. medical school.
To apply, visit the Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) and provide the following additional items:
- Letter of Endorsement from related Core Clerkship Director, including details on the student's qualifications for the Diversity Program
- Student letter of intent as to his/her qualification and desires for participating in the Diversity Program
- Demonstrated excellent to outstanding performance in the related third-year clerkship (exceptions considered)
Diversity Program for Visiting Students Application
For more information about the OHSU Diversity Program for Visiting Students or to receive an application, please contact: GME Diversity Program, Maya Severson at or (503) 494-8652.