Professional Development & Career Planning

Be it applying for hospitalist, primary care, or fellowship positions, the process can be daunting. Thoughtful professional development also requires more than post-residency position applications. We hope that this web site will be a valuable resource for you. Also reach out to your linked APDs as well as other potential mentors for ongoing mentorship.
Please refer to Section V of the "Policy and Procedure Manual" for our Interview Leave Policy. This document can be found as a secure link on Medhub under "IM Policies/Procedures/Guidelines" -> "Policy & Procedure Manual and Individual Sections"
Mentoring/Career Choices
Check out job and non-ERAS fellowship posting shared with the program through the secure link via Medhub: "Fellowship & Job Opportunities"
External Postings/Search Engines
Creating & Maintaining a CV
Professional Profiles
Consider developing, cultivating, and protecting your outline reputation by establishing an up-to-date, professionally appearing personal profile on some of these platforms:
Social Media for Physicians
Avoiding Pitfalls:
Reasons to Consider Professional Use of Health Care Social Media (#hcsm)
Preparing for Boards
Don't forget to talk to your linked APD to review In-Training Exam (ITE) scores and to develop a proactive Board study schedule