Radiology Fellowships

Sub-Specialty Imaging Sections and their Fellowships

The Department of Diagnostic Radiology at OHSU employs sub-specialized radiologists and several full-time staff physicists. We have a multitude of reading rooms equipped with PACS workstations for reviewing and dictating scans. Image processing workstations including Philips, Invivo, and Visage are available for image analysis, perfusion, DTI, and functional MR imaging processing.

We are committed to training the next generation of radiologists to continue advancing the role of imaging in clinical care and research. Approximately 140,000 examinations are performed in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology each year. In addition, the affiliated Portland VA Medical Center and Shriners Children’s Hospital are co-located on the Marquam Campus, increasing the department’s exposure to a wide variety of clinical pathologies. The department’s advanced facilities and expert mentors give radiologists-in-training the skills required to become well-rounded clinicians and leaders in academic biomedical imaging.

simple drawing of kidneys and intestine

Body Imaging Fellowship

simple drawing of heart and lung

Cardiothoracic Imaging Fellowship

Simple outline image of medical cross

Emergency Imaging Fellowship

Pencil drawing of a knee, hand and foot

Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention Fellowship

pencil drawing of brain and spine

Neuroradiology Fellowship

simple drawing of a molecule

Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Residency

simple drawing of a person holding a baby and a child's face

Pediatric Radiology Fellowship

pencil drawing of woman and simple breast anatomy drawing

Women's Imaging Fellowship

Simple Pencil drawing of a world globe on a round platform and another image of a passport

ABR Alternative Pathway Fellowships