MR Elastography or Elastography with Fat Fraction and Iron Quantification
Scan Notes
Last updated: 1/31/2024
Charge as: Abdomen WO
Scanner preference: MR CHH2
Coil: Torso Coil
Technologist Notes
For orders for Elastography or Elastography with Fat Fraction and Iron quant, add the following sequences thru the liver if a full abdomen has not been ordered:
- Cor T2
- Ax T2 FS
- Ax IN/OUT Phase
- Ax mdixon without contrast
Restart the driver at CHH (it needs to be turned off/on)
Tip sheet for positioning and scanning elastography on a Siemens: MR Elastography-Tech Tips-Numaris X Job Aid
- The ROI should be drawn 1 cm from the liver edge. Do not include the entire liver.
- Send the images with ROIs to PACS.
- Send the raw data to PACS just in case the ROIs need to be redrawn by the radiologist.
There have been some issues with Elastography not working on patients with high iron on CHMR2. Siemens has built a SE-EPI based (versus standard GRE-EPI) Elastography sequence. Please run SE-EPI as a second option if you believe the examination is compromised due to high iron.

In and out of phase T1s: The liver is darker on the In phase if there is Fe deposition.

T2 coronal: If the liver is darker than the skeletal muscle, then you'd suspect Fe deposition.