OHSU Brain People

Neuroscience research at the OHSU Brain Institute spans across departments and disciplines. From basic science to clinical interventions, our scientists are at the forefront of translating research into healing. Explore their research profiles through their departments, centers and institutes.
Looking for more labs? Check this comprehensive list of research teams, groups, programs and cores in basic, translational and clinical science from across OHSU.
Christopher Kroenke, Ph.D.
Research in the Kroenke lab utilizes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to characterize cellular-scale anatomy.
Martin Pike, Ph.D.
Dr. Pike's research is focused on studying the pathophysiology of brain diseases (malignant glioma, stroke) using MRI/MRS in tandem with other approaches.
Bill Rooney, Ph.D.
Research in Rooney's group is focused on the development and application of quantitative magnetic resonance techniques to characterize tissue structure and function, specifically to phenotype brain blood vessels using dynamic MRI acquisitions combined with pharmaco-kinetic modeling.
Manoj Sammi, Ph.D.
Dr. Sammi is currently working on MR spectroscopic measurements of energy metabolism in the human brain.
Philip Copenhaver, Ph.D.
Dr. Copenhaver's research is focused on the role of disease-associated genes in the control of cell migration, with an emphasis on the developing nervous system.
Susan Hayflick, M.D.
The Hayflick group studies a group of rare, single gene disorders called Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation (NBIA).
Penelope Hogarth, M.D.
Dr. Hogarth's research interests have focused on deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease and the natural history of Huntington's disease.
Brian O'Roak, Ph.D.
Highlights of Dr. O'Roak's past research successes include: developing a chromosomal outlier approach to identify candidate genes for Tourette's syndrome and autism, pioneering trio-based sequencing in simplex autism, and developing new technologies for rapid and economical targeted resequencing.
Charles Allen, Ph.D.
The long-term goal of the Allen Lab is to understand the functional properties of SCN neurons and how the circadian clock regulates these properties.
W. Kent Anger, Ph.D.
The Anger Lab's behavioral science research implements computer-based training based on behavioral education principles for safety or hazard prevention, skills acquisition, and well-being.
Matthew P. Butler, Ph.D.
The goals of the Butler Clock Physiology Lab are the understand how endogenous clocks in the body are synchronized, and how uncoupling clocks from the environment or from each other can compromise health.
Leslie Hammer, Ph.D.
Dr. Hammer's research is focused on improving the physical and mental well-being of workers through interventions designed to increase employee-supportive behaviors at all leadership levels.
David Hurtado, Ph.D.
The Hurtado Lab is committed to evaluating and impacting social determinants of health within the workplace.
Doris Kretschmar, Ph.D.
The Kretzschmar Lab uses Drosophila to study basic mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
Ryan Olson, Ph.D.
Dr. Olson's research is focused on safety and health interventions for lone workers, and on behavioral self-management methods.
Steven A. Shea, Ph.D.
The focus of Dr. Shea's research is to understand the biological basis behind the changes in disease severity across day and night; for instance, are they caused by the body clock or attributable to behaviors that occur on a regular basis.
Mitch Turker, Ph.D.
The Turker lab is interested in the mechanisms of abnormal gene activation.
Stephen Back, M.D., Ph.D.
The Back Lab focuses on the development of novel strategies to promote regeneration and repair of injury to the developing brain.
Paul Barnes, Ph.D.
The Barnes Lab focuses on the fundamental cellular mechanisms that control the development of the cerebral cortex prior to and following birth.
Soo-Kyung Lee, Ph.D.
The Soo Lee Lab's goal is to develop a comprehensive map of the complex gene regulatory networks that direct cell-fate specification and assembly of neuro-circuits.
Stress, Cognition, Affect, & Neuroimaging (SCAN) Lab
The SCAN Lab is interested in understanding the development of cognitive and affective brain processes and how these processes are affected by stressful events.