Pregnancy and Childbirth

Every pregnancy is unique. At OHSU, we will support your needs and wishes, and guide you through pregnancy and birth. We offer a full range of options, from deliveries with expert nurse-midwives to specialized care for high-risk pregnancies.
At Oregon’s best hospital, you’ll find:
- Doctors who are certified in both genetics and maternal-fetal medicine.
- Compassionate, experienced nurse-midwives.
- Advanced screening for fetal health, including the latest imaging and genetic testing.
- The only center in Oregon where women with heart conditions can see an obstetrician and heart specialist in one appointment.
- Specialty care for pregnant patients with diabetes, a prior traumatic delivery or problems with the placenta.
- Strong support for vaginal birth, including after a cesarean section (VBAC).
- Water birth and water immersion with our nurse-midwives.
- Birthing suites with jetted tubs and accommodations for partners.
- Recovery rooms designed for family bonding.
- Oregon’s first high-risk obstetric anesthesia program.
- More pain relief options — with and without medication — than any center in the state.
- A full labor and delivery team onsite 24/7.
- The most advanced Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Oregon and southwest Washington.
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What makes our program different
Personalized care: We offer an experience tailored to you, right from the start. You’ll find:
- An early pregnancy clinic to verify your pregnancy and help you choose a provider team.
- Care choice, including OB-GYNs, nurse-midwives, high-risk pregnancy specialists and family medicine providers.
- A prenatal care clinic for parents who have experienced trauma related to birth or pregnancy. Our perinatal trauma clinic is one of few in the nation.
Expertise: Our specialists have advanced training and experience across many areas of pregnancy care. You’ll find:
- Oregon’s top experts in pregnancy and mental health.
- Expert genetic counselors to help you make decisions.
- Experts in rare and high-risk conditions.
- Specialists in diagnosing and treating fetal conditions.
- The highest-volume VBAC program in Oregon, with a success rate of about 80%.
- Oregon’s longest-running water birth program.
Leading technology: We are fully equipped for any monitoring you need through your pregnancy, labor and delivery:
- 3D and 4D (with motion) ultrasound, if medically needed for better diagnosis.
- Advanced fetal MRI imaging.
- More genetic testing options than any center in Oregon.
- Advanced cardiac MRI for pregnant women with heart conditions.
- Wireless monitors so you can move freely in labor.
- Doppler to track your baby’s heartbeat during a water birth.
Comfortable facilities: You’ll find welcoming, modern facilities in the Center for Women’s Health and at OHSU’s Family Birth Center.

Complete care
Team-based care: Our doctors, nurse-midwives and nurses work together. We’re here to help you have a healthy pregnancy and a safe, joyful labor and delivery.
Wide range of specialists: We will pair you with every specialist you and your newborn need. Your team might include:
- Specially trained labor, delivery and recovery nurses.
- Highly qualified nurse-midwives who offer compassionate care focused on the natural birth process.
- Obstetrician-gynecologists who are experts in women’s health and in low- and high-risk pregnancies.
- Anesthesiologists who specialize in pain relief for pregnancy and childbirth.
- Maternal-fetal medicine specialists (perinatologists), who take care of you and your baby in complex pregnancies.
- Residents — medical school graduates in training — are a valuable part of your birth team. They are supervised by our providers.
- Neonatologists who offer expert newborn care.
Mental health services: Psychiatrists and therapists at the Center for Women’s Health can help you feel better. We offer safe, effective treatment for anxiety, depression or other mood disorders during and after pregnancy.
Nutrition, physical therapy and acupuncture services: The Center for Women’s Health offers services for complete care through pregnancy and beyond.
Many birthing options, including:
- Nurse-midwives who offer traditional maternity care, waterbirth and VBAC.
- Doctors who believe surgical births should be the exception. OHSU has a low rate of cesarean sections.
- Support for VBAC for many women with one or two previous C-sections.
- Specialty care for complex, high-risk pregnancy and delivery.
Classes: We offer childbirth and parenting classes to help you:
- Know what to expect during childbirth.
- Manage pain during labor and delivery.
- Care for your new baby.
- Breastfeed your baby.
Infant feeding support: We are passionate about breastfeeding. You’ll find expert help from our nurses and lactation consultants while you’re in the hospital and after you go home.
Our Baby Club: You can connect with other new parents. One of our educators will guide you in supporting one another as you adjust to parenthood.
For patients
Call 503-418-4500 to make an appointment.
Parking is free for patients and their visitors.
Center for Women’s Health
808 S.W. Campus Drive
Portland, OR 97239
Map and directions
For referring providers
We partner with you to care for patients with high-risk pregnancies.
- Refer your patient to OHSU.
- Call 503-494-4567 to seek provider-to-provider advice.
Baby Steps
A weekly guide to pregnancy and your child’s early development.
Research and clinical trials
At OHSU, many providers are also researchers who strive to turn discoveries into better patient care. You may be eligible to join a pregnancy study.